Adding new apps at

At, a selection of NextCloud plugins/features are available. They include files, gallery, contacts, notes, tasks, activity, email and we also have the OnlyOffice plugin activated.

We have also added a plugin to increase the default storage. Soon we will add the “SMS to cloud” feature, and we’re planning to add a geolocation logging option for users who want it.

Also, some users regularly ask us to add this or this NextCloud plugin to

Which features are missing the most?

We don’t promise to add all of them, but if they don’t take too much resource, we can consider them to be included!

Vote for your favorite app to be added to!


I would like the Talk plugin with a TURN/STURN server.


PhoneTrack, Webdav to use with Joplin, Bookmarks and also News feed reader. ¡¡Thanks!!


News and Bookmarks are very good and usefull plugins.


La synchronisation des sms sur le cloud est ce que j’attends le plus avec la géolocalisation des téléphones “Phone Track” (c’est bien ce que vous proposez ?) !
Pourriez-vous aussi ajouter le plugin “News” et “Carnet” ?

J’aurais beacoup aimé que vous amélioriez les plugins déjà existants ;

  • le service mail est très lent
    -onlyoffice est peu ergonomique

Merci pour votre travail !:+1:

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webdav is available and Carnet is the better choice.

Phonetrack is great !!!

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I didn’t notice that webdav was enabled, greaaaaaat!!
I will test with joplin.

Bookmarks. Best Pocket replacement


QownNotes plugin. It syncs with Nextcloud Notes. I much prefer it over Joplin

Very good news !! these are the ones i think would be most useful:

this one is the most important and useful i think, i know there is OnlyOffice, but it requires an extra account + for collaborative editing you need to pay:

Furthermore, “nice-to-haves” would be:


also +1 for the Pocket replacement

Hi @GaelDuval,

This is a great idea, thanks. I’d like to use the News app please and I can’t find any reason to disagree with any of the other suggestions above.

If Maps can be integrated with gallery so that we can view the gallery according to the location a photo is taken that would be great.

If To-Do items in the Tasks app can have their reminders/alarms triggered by location that would also be great.

Deck could be quite useful to me, looks potentially more powerful than Tasks but I haven’t tried it. However, I would need calendar/location integration to make it really useful.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Where do I find Bookmarks app?

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I would love to have Maps and Bookmarks !

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I prefer PhoneTrack. And Maps, incl. routing !

Theming app (post must be at least 20 characters).

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I always make dots ;…

I would definitely like the Maps app as part of the OS, maybe even the Music and Mail app too instead of the Rainloop webmail app. How do you access the OnlyOffice plugin?

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When you use the ‘+’ sign to create a new document or when you open an existing one, it will start

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