Advanced Privacy


Has said in my recent post, OrganicMaps seemed to work as usual but couldn’t find my location.

I disabled advancedprivacy, rebooted the device (Samsung A3 2017, GSI) then OM could find my location but didn’t find maps no more :flushed:

Disabling (for --user 0 ) advancedprivacy went in a change in choosen default storage (SD card, for me) :angry:

Will check other apps, when in use…

Hi all.

Since I enabled the “Advanced Privacy” functionality on my Fairphone 3+ I have started having problems with my battery life. Doing a little research I noticed that the main consumer has been precisely “Advanced Privacy” with more than 44% of the total. Has anyone else had this same problem, any ideas to reduce it?

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Firstly I strongly support and like the Advanced Security features. As users we must know, preferably in advance, what issues may pop up so we can quickly adjust our settings.

I’ve had to turn off the ’Manage my location’ feature as this caused my GPS #navigation apps provide incorrect location information.

If the Manage my location feature had the ability to activate/deactivate individual apps as one can do with ‘Manage my Internet address’ that would be extremely useful.

One could allow GPS/navigation apps to use correct #GPS locations while sending fake #locations to other apps.

#AdvancedSecurityFeatures #


Please see this subject concerning battery drain. Exelent work done by @legrec14

I am not a power user nor an expert on the topic … therefore I would like to ask some advice …
During the Q&A session of the Keynote, I have understood that “Advanced Privacy” was suggested instead of a VPN (instead of redirect all your traffic to one end point, you split / manage different flows). I was wondering if it makes sense in my case: very basic use (calls / SMS / local calendar, no syncronisation, no web browsing), only connection to the internet is to use Signal (but in parallel, I guess the the smartphone is doing some online activitity, I am not convinced I have stopped / was able to stop everything else … most likely, I have let some background activity on …), through a VPN service. In such a situation, would it better to keep the VPN, or to move to the Advanced Privacy?
Thank you in advance for your explanations

What VPN provider is being used for the “hide my ip” feature?

Advanced Privacy is not a VPN, it is Tor: Advanced Privacy - #23 by SkewedZeppelin

This interactive diagram may be of help: SECURE CONNECTIONS | Tor Project | Tor Browser Manual

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I read your previous post. Mapbox is in MicroG to replace Google Maps in Apps.
That’s not new.


microG GmsCore Mapbox module explicitly uses an older version from before it became proprietary:

I also noticed that MapBox was listed as a tracker that Advanced Privacy offered to block…

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@anon88181694 had right, the feature to hide the IP is not a vpn but uses TOR.

Plaese tell me if i’m wrong but maybe the confusion of @loki came from the fact that advanced privacy (at least some feature of it) need to use the VPN slot generate by android like netguard, invizible pro or the “app tracking protection” from duckduckgo or other app like those

Indeed, it is a local VPN to perform the routing to the Tor daemon.

I’d appreciate to have a shortcut on my main screen or on the main parameters page for Advanced Privacy Settings.

Fake IP address does not seem to work: it takes over 15 minutes to activate and once I get offline and online again, there is no more network connection until I disable this feature.

FP3+, no VPN using app.

I don’t know if this works with Bliss launcher, but with, e.g. OpenLauncher, which is the one I use, I can long-press the main screen and add the Advanced Privacy widget.

In general, I don’t want to mess around with privacy settings, I just want /e/ to have a built in one - that’s why I chose it - and not be bothered with settings but just know it’s been taken care of. To have this ‘Advanced Privacy’, the user gets concerned about privacy again and can think: hey, I already thought it was privacy protected.


thanks for this hint. I thought more of a shortcut icon than of a 4*4 widget (which is far too oversized for me)

The wording on this page would be good to clarify. When these slides are set to ‘true’, does that mean these trackers are being blocked?


Until the people force the politicians to make it illegal for companies and organisations to share your ip address (and other sensitive data) with 3rd parties, you will need to have a little understanding of the various levels of privacy. /e/ can’t just default to using TOR or faking your location as things like navigation/maps will become useless.

Just turn it off then?

As far as I can see (24h using v1.0 now), the OS and the Privacy feature works perfect (minus one bug with the PDF viewer dark mode, but it’s an old bug not related with Advanced Privacy).
A great achievement by the Murena team !

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