Bring swipe feature in the keyboard

Hello team,
Thank you for all your efforts in making /e/ very stable and reliable. I have been using my one plus x as my daily driver from day one, a journey that started with suspicion but whch soon became unwarranted.
I would like to place a request for swipe feature in the default keyboard provided. I don’t want to download any third party apps from google play store. Hence if swipe can be enabled it would be great.

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Hello are you sure it is floss.
Only free licence open source software will be integrate un /e/… By défaut.

I would also like a swipe keyboard but I think the feature is patented, even if there was an open source version. Sad times.

The new AnySoftKeyboard does have swipe


Thanks for the tip @harvey186, I’ll try it out.

Try to install EnhancedIME.

No, we want test the default app while we are in beta. And the default AnySoftkeayboard does have swipe (as beta)

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Ah okay, swipe typing is only in beta version of ASK? Need to be on Google play to get that installed and kept up to date as it’s not on f-droid.

The beta of ASK is in e included. no need to load / install via yalp

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Thanks. I’ve just come back to /e/ after a few weeks so I’d not noticed that.

The swipe feature of AnySoftKeyboard is definitely in beta! Was just trying it out and had to give up after a few attempts at writing simple words. Hope they improve soon. Swype is one of the bad habits i carry from my google days!

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It’s one of the good habits I carry from my Symbian days! :wink:


Ditto… and touchscreen handwriting recognition on Symbian, was that really 16 years ago?

Yes, I’d like a FOSS Swype-a-like app. Might be a deciding feature for me in switching to /e/.

If anyone hears of a a functional swiping app, then please update this thread…

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I used to own a Windows Phone. The keyboard also had a Swype function. This was MUCH better than on Android.

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Since Marc necrobumped this old thread, I’ll report back to say that I have been using ASK’s beta Swype for a year or so and it is usable, but still buggy and annoying.
I wanted out of the Goolag archAppleago deathcamp so its a deal I agree to, but it still annoys me. I’ve not had the time to help the devs at ASK and it still looks stuck in beta for the forseeable.
Nevertheless, it works and I’m learning the quirks of the beta… quicker than stabby-typing. Just.

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