I downloaded CamAps fx via App Lounge but unfortunately a certain function does not work.
I get a warning about the compatibility from the CGM manufacturer.
To be clear I downloaded this App anonymously from the App Lounge. Could it have something to do with the rights of Google store. I definitely do not want to go back to the ‘Google’ Android environment.
In the ‘normal’ Google Android environment with the Google Store I didn’t have this issue.
Many of these medical apps are horrible data senders into several directions, nobody talks about this but I think this is indeed their main purpose. This makes it difficult to let them run on a device which is in their eyes not as open as expected.
Could be an idea to exclude it from TrackerControl and from IP address faking. Also from a personal firewall using blocklists and other rules, if you have one running. The principle is: you must provide the most “insecure” environment to fulfill the “security” requirements of these apps.
While I think that the problem may indeed be related to the Play Integrity check or some missing functionality in microG, some apps also have problems if not installed by the official Google Play Store. You make take a look at [HOWTO] Get around the Google Play Store dependency problem. However, this should only be considered if this indeed seems to be the cause of your described problem.