/e/OS newbie — hello

Apple fan boy for nearly 20 years, I’m about to make the leap to the Free side of the force.
After doing some research, /e/OS seems like a good option.
As you can imagine, I have a lot of questions, notably about the availability of certain apps (I live in Belgium) that are indispensable to me.
Hence my presence on this forum. A forum I’m going to start exploring…

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


What are the applications that you can’t live without?

Hi @RudyP, welcome to this forum.

belgium ID i supose, there were many topic on that, use the search tool near your avatar

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Banking apps (CBC, ING, etc.), transport apps (SNCB trains), and an app (ItsMe) that provides access to a whole range of online services in Belgium

The app is called ItsMe, and it enables a whole range of online services provided by the Belgian administration.
It really is a must-have…

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Great :+1: Thank you very much (merci :wink:)
What’s Aurora ?

AuroraStore offer the PlayStore apps without Gogol account…

the Built-in /e/ AppLounge also allow that

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Okeyyy, thank you

PS: I’m just discovering, it’s a new world for me. Is it best to ask questions in the ad hoc topics or to continue here?

PS bis: I’m a French speaker, is it better to go to the French forum or the English one?

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itsme Belgian Mobile ID | exodus-privacy: 2 trackers 13 permissions
Report created on Dec. 12, 2024, 3:07 a.m.

SNCB/NMBS: Timetable & tickets | exodus-privacy: 6 trackers 46 permissions
App info: Free - No adds
Report created on Jan. 24, 2025, 1:09 a.m.

ING Banking ING Belgium NV 1 tracker 18 permissions
Report created on Jan. 24, 2025, 1:26 a.m.

@RudyP all three App can be installed and opened on an /e/OS-T (AOSP 13) without any problems.

:globe_with_meridians: There are significantly more English-speaking users on the road

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May I add that after installation issues can arise, caution about that

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Great… many thanks
It’s very nice to have tested :wink:

If I may be so bold: is this also okay for CBC Mobile?

I plan to use Zaclys for the cloud and Proton for mails, calendars, etc.
I imagine it’s all compatible?

Now I just have to choose between Fairphone 5 and Pixel 7 (especially for the camera) :thinking:

Thanks again

Fairphone you can repair by yourself, others are glued !

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There are only a few open source camera apps and they cannot use all the features of a Pixel 7 camera. In general, the higher the quality of the stock Android camera app, the more features you will have to do without.

It is easy for you to link the apps you use from the Play Store. I first have to search around and, as with ING for example, note that there are country-specific variants. Please also put some effort into your question.

It’s a good argument…
Is the Fairphone’s camera okay ?

Proton no problem at all, I use mai, calender and drive app

Ok I understand, sorry
I don’t have the Play Store, I use the Apple App Store. But CBC is in the list of compatible apps sent by @piero … thanks

Good news, thank you

I understand that you want to know whether your indispensable applications also work on Android. But if I’m already using a degoogled operating system like /eOS, I should also make sure that the additionally installed apps are “clean”.

However, the three apps I analyzed above are not “clean”. So I would ask myself, can I prevent or at least restrict this data transfer to third parties without the apps losing their functionality (through tracker blockers, firewalls)?

A degoogled OS is of little use if the additional apps installed by the user “phone home”.

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I totally understand the importance of having a clean system and therefore clean apps.
That’s what /e/OS is all about and that’s why I’m interested in it…
For example, if it’s not possible to have banking apps, it’s less practical but not too annoying, as operations can be carried out on the web.
On the other hand, if the transport app (SNCB for the train) isn’t ok, that’s more of a problem. My type of subscription is only available via the app. If I don’t have the app, I can’t take the train! Which, in itself, is completely crazy and makes owning a smartphone compulsory… but that’s another story :wink:
Thanks in any case for your time