Easy installer fails on OnePlus 7 Pro (File not found)

Hello, I am trying to install e/OS/ on a OnePlus 7 Pro using easy installer but it fails at installing the recovery.

The bootloader is unlocked, but when I reach the “Recovery Installation” step, it fails with the following error:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/USER/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/OnePlus7Pro/recovery-IMG-e-latest-t-guacamole.img (No such file or directory)

I am using the easy installer from a linux machine (installed from snap). The target phone already has a custom rom (https://get.pixelexperience.org/) based on Android 13 (T).

Is there a bug in the easy installer, or do I need to do something on my device?

Thanks for the help.

Probably. You should probably look further up the log and ^F search for download.

If the file is not found in /home/USER/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/OnePlus7Pro/ it would imply there was a downloading error, which should stop the process and be reported.

easy-installer ← you could forum search this tag; has had a run of errors including this – maybe a change of code is hiding a similar error for you, idk.

We are awaiting a “new” Easy Installer


  • manualy downloaded the recovery-IMG-xxxxxxx.zip
  • unzip it in the expected directory,
    rename the recovery-e-X.X-202408xxxxxxxxx-dev-guacamole.img to

Then restart the easy-installer could help…


Why not simply boot to recovery install the main e-2.2-t-202408xxxxxxxxxxx-dev-guacamole.zip

The installer manages to download all the files, but right after it reboots the phone in bootloader, for some reason it deletes the files.

I’ll try to manually copy them back in the folder.

Well it deletes the files when it tries to use them so I don’t have time to put them back into place.

Why not simply boot to recovery install the main e-2.2-t-202408xxxxxxxxxxx-dev-guacamole.zip

I have no experience with manually installing stuff on phones so I am a little wary of bricking the phone

Easy-Installer is a bug engine.

As you already have a custom recovery manager installed,
You can go direct to point (8) or (9)

Install /e/OS on a OnePlus 7 Pro - “guacamole”
/e/OS dev guacamole download

Would it be possible the easy installer is bugged because the phone already has a recovery manager? I’ll try to get more info on what is already installed as I was not the one who installed the current ROM.

Isn’t it better to flash the e/os/ recovery instead of the one the phone currently has? I don’t want to have compatibility issues later.

If you use actual recovery to install /eOS,
the “recovery-e” is also included in the /e/OS main install .ZIP. If you stick the “update recovery” box during first boot wizzard, it will be installed along the system… and your actual recovery will be overwritted.

If your actual recovery is TWRP or derivative, it is abble to manage intallation of .ZIP, and also .IMG file like the recovery-e is.

If you prefer you can use fastboot to install the recovery-e that only can manage .ZIP files


It would be interesting to see the full log, to try to see why this is happening, if you like to share it.

History of the phone

These things may help with troubleshooting.

It seems to me a bit unlikely Easy Installer would delete the downloads in the event your device was not correctly up to date, but it is a thing that has frequently been asked for that Easy Installer should stop (and report) if the phone is on the wrong Android version.

Has the phone had an effective upgrade to Android 13 ? The This Pixel Experience install page Install PixelExperience on guacamole - PixelExperience Wiki is linked from both Android 13 and 14; it includes the line

If your current installation is newer or older than Android 11, please up- or downgrade to the required version before proceeding (guides can be found on the internet!).

LineageOS and /e/OS recommend upgrade to latest Android 12.

Lineage include a Firmware Upgrade page Update firmware on guacamole | LineageOS Wiki.

While still running Pixel Experience I would run the third party app Oxygen Updater, to check the status of your current Updates.

The device is declared End of Life by OnePlus, this is no bad thing for Custom ROM installers, but you really want to to get the last and latest Firmware on the device, as the /e/ROM is built on that.

I suggest you establish for sure your exact model. This from the lineage wiki

Supported models

I did some research into “the last firmware for guacamole”, it was complicated, the end result was for GM1917 - Global/US Unlocked, as it happens, but the correct ROM will be avaulable for each variant, Which phone is best current choice running E/OS (after many failures) - #110 by aibd.

However in that very long thread we did discover that /e/OS guacamole has a very good complement of firmware for Android 13 (T) and it did eventually seem to install ok on Android 11 (R) foundation under the guidance of @piero

Debugging Easy Installer will probably be more work than careful manual install.

guacamole is supported by Supported Devices | OpenAndroidInstaller

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State of the phone :

Please look into → settings → about the phone,
and under → settings → about the phone → android version,
Take some screenshots.

Also boot to recovery to identify it.

Here are the screenshots from the settings

And here from the recovery

I also have a question, which system file do I choose?

The installation guide (Install /e/OS on a OnePlus 7 Pro - “guacamole”) links to the dev builds (https://images.ecloud.global/dev/guacamole) which are on Android 13, but I would prefer using the stable builds (/e/OS stable guacamole download) as I do on my other devices. But the stable is still on Android 11, are the stable builds abandoned?

Also when I used the easy installer, it downloaded an e-latest-t-guacamole.zip file, when I checked the website and compared the checksums it seems it downloaded the e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-guacamole.zip, which is not the latest compared to e-2.2-t.

So which system version should I choose?

My understanding is that for devices (once) sold by Murena, with a stable build [1], development is intended to be ongoing BUT stable builds have to be developed to include OTA Upgrade of Android version. This is likely to be the hardest thing.

If I faced the decision, I would think that I don’t want to a main phone on Android R unsupported by Android SPL upgrades. So I would choose the community build.

However, idk, maybe an OTA upgrade to Android 12 (S) is just round the corner and installing stable will work out fine and you get an OTA upgrade within a few months. The fact that guacamole is dropped from Easy Installer stable, does however look more like “winding down”.

[1] Murena purchased phones come with Official, that is stable builds, with OTA Android version Upgrade.

I’ll install the dev then, but can I go on with the install with the current recovery on the device?

My opinion is that it probably will work to install from this Recovery if you are interested in exploring and finding out.

However, for the sake of 3 fastboot commands, myself, I would do it by the install page. This is partly because if it should go wrong, I do not have to consider or workaround the Pixel Experience install which might have more of a variance from LineageOS and /e/OS than I know about.

Our instructions are from a template which make the job bigger than necessary – only required at

Flashing additional partitions


fastboot devices

fastboot flash dtbo <dtbo>.img
fastboot flash vbmeta <vbmeta>.img

fastboot flash boot recoveryfilename.img

Then Manually reboot into recovery mode … ready for

Steps to install /e/OS from recovery

Thanks everyone for the help. I followed the guide at Install /e/OS on a OnePlus 7 Pro - “guacamole” from the step “Flashing additional partitions” and everything worked smoothly without issues!

I now have e/OS/ 2.2 dev on my OnePlus 7 Pro. It was easier than I thought :slight_smile:


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