Easy installer stuck at apply from ADB on Galaxy S9

Hi, I’m trying for the first time the easy installer but it stucks at “apply from ADB”.
The phone is Galaxy S9 Dual Sim.
I have uploaded some photos of the easy installer and the smartphone screen.
In the easy installer, the protocol cannot be seen completely.
What can I do?
Many thanks

Here is the second photo:

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You seem to be describing the same as Easy installer hangs on Samsung Galaxy 7 after formatting on "send package with abd".

Would you describe the e-Recovey as “in working condition” if you exclude Easy Installer. ?

The phone actually looks as if it is ready to accept the main ROM file.

The larger part of the job is done – if you have a working e-Recovery, so you can just pick up the manual install instructions Install /e/OS on a Samsung Galaxy S9 - “starlte”. Download e-2.2-s-20240715417774-stable-starlte.zip from /e/OS stable starlte download.

If you do not have adb installed on your PC, you can try to use adb already provided by Easy Installer as described at the end of this post Easy installer hangs on Samsung Galaxy 7 after formatting on "send package with abd" - #7 by aibd.

Many thanks for the very fast reply.
I’ll look at the the other topic.
How would I know if the e-Recovey is “in working condition”?

I assume that the so-called /e/asy installer has installed the so-called stable recovery.

Save the e-2.2-s-20240715417774-stable-starlte.zip file to a microSD card or USB stick.

Reboot again in the /e/Recovery (now the system will have initialized the microSD card or USB stick), tap on Apply Update and then on Apply from ...

... microSD card
... USB stick

… and select the e-2.2-s-20240715417774-stable-starlte.zip file.

If everything is correct, the /e/ROM will be installed.

I tried the key cominations fo the two modes (Recover and Download).
Recover mode could not be activated (should I try again?)
Download mode could be activated, I see a blueish screen with a lot of cryprical messeges and one big title “Downloading…” but nothing happens.

When you try the key combination for Recovery, please can you describe what happens. You show a photo of it, I am wondering what happened to it?

You would be able to navigate its options as [HOWTO] use e-Recovery to wipe & format data before sideloading/install eOS

Sounds normal.

Is your PC using Windows or Linux?

I managed to reset the phone to factory settings, now I have the original state.
Should I repeat the steps with the easy installer or rather using the command line method?

I’m on Windows 11 Operating System.

So I’m trying to rund the steps from this unofficial link that you posted:

I’m stuck at step 8-B, which is installing the eROM. The file I downloaded is e-2.2-t-20240718417775-dev-starlte.zip.

I’m trying to copy the file from my PC to the phone but the behavior is weird (I don’t see a progress bar and the copy dialog is closing after few seconds).
Also the phone is not showing the zip file when I go to the “Install” section.

Yes I can confirm downloading the e-2.2-s-20240715417774-stable-starlte.zip to the microSD card works like a charm on the Samsung galaxy S7 Edge.

Please NOTE:
You need to enable Abd in the advanced tab!

Thanks Xxpsilon I almost gave up until I found this post.

Copy issue is now solved after performing a reboot.

I just finished installing /e/OS.
The installation procedure above realy works!
Many thanks!

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