Ok, so, what am I missing here? NONE of the recovery images work for the Moto G7 Plus (supported model supposedly, I checked the model number). It just doesn’t boot into e’s recovery! And I tried some versions from the past 6 months too, just in case! No bueno!
Eventually, I bit the bullet, and installed TWRP (both the latest, and an older one). Both booted fine! And via their ADB Sideload menu option, I was able to install the copy-partitions image just fine. But the eOS image itself just doesn’t load! It hangs on 0% (adb is indeed connected). I left it for 20 minutes, nothing is moving forward! I tried multiple times.
I found the recovery solution after hours: you have given the wrong instructions.
Where you ask users to do:
fastboot boot recoveryfilename.img
it should be:
fastboot flash boot recoveryfilename.img
I found the solution at the LineageOS instructions. Plz update your instructions for “lake” models. Without flashing the bootloader, it won’t load the next time the phone reboots (that the instructions requires it to).
Additionally, your link to the Motorola website to unlock the bootloader does not work. The US website is broken. You must use the UK version of their website to get to unlock the bootloader.
However, the third problem STILL remains. The phone won’t flash the phone with the eOS image, even after having boot to the e-recovery image. It stops at “Verifying update package”. So, same problem as with the TWRP, it just hangs at 0%. I have MD5’ed the file, it’s correct. I downloaded an older -s version too, same problem. It hangs at “verifying update package”.
…and so I found the mystery of the third problem (the OS not installing). Well, apparently you can’t use usb-c to usb-c to install an OS image (at least on Macs). It MUST be usb-c to usb-A. And that’s not possible on any new Mac. I had to redo the installation under my Linux laptop instead, and everything then worked. I hope you can fix the problem with usb-c, because more and more people are going to have that issue in the future. And it is something that definitely need to be added as a note on ALL tutorials.
So, now I have e installed, and it looks great so far.