Building an unofficial ROM for Moto G7 Plus (lake), using the Docker and the latest ‘HowTo’, ended with the following error
[ 99% 1248/1249] glob vendor/qcom/opensource/interfaces/wifi/supplicant/2.0/src
ninja: error: 'kernel/motorola/msm8998/arch/arm64/configs/lineageos_lake_defconfig', needed by '/srv/src/PIE/out/target/product/lake/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config', missing and no known rule to make it
12:20:17 ninja failed with: exit status 1
I suspect the cause was as reported at the very start of the log file
>> [Thu Jul 2 12:07:24 UTC 2020] Starting build for lake, v0.9-pie branch
including vendor/lineage/
build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_lake".
In the same docker run command I successfully built a similar ROM for Moto G7 (river).
Looking at the log file, everything seemed to go as normal, including pulling sources from Lineage repos.
Interesting bits of the log are here
If it’s not in the Lineage sources, how will Docker know where to pull it from? Do I need to find a repo that does have it, and write some magic in a roomservice.xml file? Or…?
Thanks @harvey186@Anonyme. I was only building this in response to this thread, not for my own use, and because I have some unused credit with OVH. According to it is supported by Lineage so I thought it would be straight forward (the ROM for G7 river built with no problems).
I don’t think I want to spend the time tracking down the necessary files and creating the manifests so I will stop trying
Thanks again for your help .
device and kernel seems available in lineage repo for 16.0 branch and it’s downloaded without issues according to your logs
I cant find vendor on the other hand, need to extract it from the latest lineage 16.0 that could be found for that device i guess
Lake Pie manifest is already in @harvey186’s repo. I’ve build it, shared with user but did not hear anything back, so don’t know if it works. But build went well.
I tried a couple of times[1] but got kernel build errors each time. I am giving up on this build and filing it under ‘Unofficial builds that didn’t work for me’. Thanks again for your help. And I’m still open to suggestions for devices[2] that could do with a new unofficial build.
First time I renamed file /kernel/motorola/msm8998/arch/arm64/configs/defconfig. Second time renamed file `sdm660_defconfig