Fairphone 3 FP3 support on /e/

I guess that I was already on eelo which is why I didn’t noticed the 17th version.
FP2 is great for the so many OSs and it seems that FP3 will be better with its hardware !
But it seems that having eelo on FP3 will take a long time …

Fairphone official bootloader unlock available at:


Once the bootloader is unlocked, at least a few GSI images successfully boot on the FP3

For those who are willing to fiddle around, this might help in case of emergency :wink:

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FP3 is now on the list of devices to be ported to /e/.
Will pass on all the urls on this thread to the team working on it.


:+1: I’m waiting for the FP3 to be supported before switching to /e/.
Please make this happen!

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We sure will. It would be really great if users could post links to perfectly working custom builds for the FP3.

You’re asking for custom builds of /e/ or of any custom ROM that runs on the FP3?

Any perfectly working custom builds for FP3

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There are a few working AOSP 9 based generic system images (GSI) listed at https://forum.fairphone.com/t/how-to-flash-a-custom-rom-on-fp3-with-gsi/57074?u=ingo but most of them are no longer maintained because people moved to AOSP 10 as base. But of the AOSP 10 based images to my knowledge none are working on the FP3 (opening apps crashes the system).
The maintainer of the AOSP 10 GSI replied he prefers to wait until Android 10 is officially released for the FP3


Thanks for the info @Ingo_FP_Angel

Hi Manoj,
Is it possible to get an idea on how long (approximately) it will take to port eelo on FP3 ?
Within a year or more ?
Can you also eventually confirm, as per Ingo links, if eelo can be ported directly on FP3 or if LineageOS is required first ?

From what I know the porting team has just started work on this. They were unable to get the FP3 device due to some issue with the postal system!! I expect a 1 - 2 month timeline here for the porting and testing. Will post updates here on the progress.


Great news !
So I understand that the porting team don’t need LineageOS.
P.S.: are you supposed to work on Sunday ?


Yeah, I tried multiple -10 GSI images and “crashes whenever a nontrivial app is started” is the furthest I’ve got on any of them.

Now using stock until the FP3 people release -10.

It would be helpful for the porting team to get links to working LOS or custom builds. Will make their work a lot easier.

All the teams takes a break for the weekend.

The post in the Fairphone forum lists those Android 9 based OSes to be working


I have run the LOS 16 version once but I don’t remember the exact version on top of my head. It’s the latest one (the image isn’t maintained anymore so I doubt it got an update after I last tried it).

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Best support. :smiley: When /e/ is ready, I’ll start a monthly donation if I can help out that /e/ will be developed for FP3 for many years.

Very good.

Maybe you can sell Fairphones with /e/ if the samsungs go out of stock.


Hi - I’ve been using the Lineage 16 linked to above on FP3 for about a month or so:


It’s working fine for most things - some very Google-dependent apps won’t run or don’t work properly, but most apps are working fine. Auto brightness isn’t working (doesn’t show up in settings).
Location was working from the start (which I’ve found to be a problem sometimes on non-Google installations), but I tried to install microG anyway, but that made things worse, as lots of apps crashed, so I’ve got that disabled for now.
Was quite a bother to get it installed, but has been perfectly stable and reliable since. Tried probably three other recommended GSIs but couldn’t get them to install & boot.


It’s in the install instructions for the GSI images, but maybe it makes sense to point to this hardware overlay explicitly: https://github.com/basxto/vendor_hardware_overlay/releases/tag/v0.1

The most important thing is that it adds the navbar (back, home, applist buttons).

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I completely agree and I would like to add: I have a FP3 lying around here. I could
a) offer alpha-testing.
b) “sell” it to you immediately. you could “sell” it back as soon as you are done with the development or as soon as you have your own FP3. Or just keep it, because I could still buy a new one. I was a bit too optimistic when ordering it, because I expected it to be usable (google-free) faster. I won’t use it anyway, until /e/ or lineageOS are supported.

in addition:

you’re sure it’s an issue? if you order a FP, from FP website it takes always that long, that’s their shipping policy because they avoid to store FPs in their headquarter in Netherlands. But there are some other online shops that ship the FP immediately.