Maybe I am at the correct place. If not, please move.
I present my findings on the battery usage and charging of my FP3+.
Since January 8th 2023 (262.2 days) I noted some data to find out about time and effort related to it.
It is understood that this is relying on my personal using pattern which might not be average, since I go without email on it, rarely use „social‟ media and do seldomly look up anything but use my head instead.
So, I guess the numbers might not be fully representative.
I have a special charging pattern, too, as I tend to keep the battery between 30 and 70% and fully charge it to 100% about every 10th time charging to reset the controller. This is due to the given fact that batteries get stressed by being totally drained or fully charged, which decreases their lifetime.
My FP3+ is two years old now and so is the battery.
That said I recon that the knowledge of relationships of the different versions and subversions possibly are useful to the developers as well as the users.
I started to note on January 8th with v1.7, but began to note the special charging times (e.g. such as daytime of start and end, giving the average charging time for 1% battery life) with v1.9 on March 30th.
This results in graphs for the power usage starting with v1.7 and start of the charging graphs with v.1.9.
As I always install the rc-subversions as soon as they are available, which tend to sometimes give a wide range of results within the version. It is difficult to decide what the special reasons are, as sometimes version changes appear within a few days being accompanied by changes in the using pattern which I note as well.
E.g., the subversions of v1.13 (v1.13-rc, 1.13-rc2, 1.13-rc4 and v1.13) have an average of 4.91 lasting days. The subversions themselves appear to last 5.60 days (v1.13-rc), 4.19 days (v1.13-rc2), 5.77 days (v1.13-rc4) and 4.45 days.
As they had different durations (327:44 hrs or 13,7 days,102:30 hrs or 4.3 days, 55:43 hrs or 2.3 days, 424:17 hrs or 17.7 days) I included the relationship of installed time into the result (something like (([lasting subversion 1][intall time sv1])+([lasting sv2][intall time sv2])+([lasting sv3][install time sv3])+([lasting time sv4][install time sv4]))/[sum of version install time].
On July 2nd I installed a Matrix-client and started to use it increasingly due to it being a major communication channel on the Chaos Communication Camp which had to be prepared and I went there from August 11th through 20th. So, the actual numbers are clearly influenced by this and might not representate a „normal‟ user pattern, especially for myself. For the camp I noted „excessive use‟.
Here are the graphs for the usage and lasting times, firstly summarized under the main versions, then the single subversions:
And here we go with the charging times and duration, as well summarized under the main versions, then the single subversions:
Usually I tend to charge slowly on my desk- or laptop computer to further save battery life, as fast charging also means stress for the battery resulting in decreased lifetime. Since the heavy usage and very little time on the camp meant that I had to fastcharge it, I thought about the average time that I have to „care‟ for the thing.
I found that the „caring time‟ varies between 1.63% of total time (v1.12-rc.4, lasting 7.27 days, installed for 256:43 hrs or 10.3 days) and 8.72% of total time (v1.14-rc, lasting 2.24 days, installed for 61:57 hrs or 2.6 days).