Feedback for v1.21

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : FP3
Device CodeName
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : 1.20-s
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

After two days of update, an old bug appear : “Unable to open the camera. Still use by another app? ID:0”

  • Vendor Name - Google
  • Device name - Pixel 6 Pro
  • Device CodeName- Raven
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously - GrapheneOS
  • Is the device Rooted/Not rooted - Not rooted

All appears to be working well. Thank you team for your hard work as always.

Today I saw that an e/os upgrade to 1.21 (I think) was available for my Teracube 2e Zirconia. Unfortunately after download and (trying to) reboot I got stuck on a menu from which I choose Recovery. This led me to:

Bootloader, Please connect your computer and use fastboot to interface with the device. Visit for more information.

From that site I downloaded Platform tools on my Linux (Xubuntu 22.04) computer, connected the Teracube and tried to run Fastboot. Nothing doing, Fastboot does not start (permission to run as program OK). (Tried two computers.) So far I did not find a solution here. So I am stuck.

Any tips? Thank you!

First …

after that … we no longer seem to see the link containing:

" Ubuntu Linux: Set up the following:" in:

Ubuntu is slightly different from Debian ofc … you might try (the equivalent of)

/e/ documentation has another take

Vendor Name: murena
Device name: Fairphone 4
Device CodeName: FP4
Previous Version of /e/OS: 1.20-s (stable)
Rooted: No
OTA Version Upgrade to v1.21.1-s

I keep seeing the icon for “no voice connectivity” (as I undererstand it - never had this before) in the status line, though voice calls work fine incoming and outgoing

also the settings for voice calls and sms are greyed out:

neither can I select cellular networks manually:

I’m using a 5G eSIM from O2 Germany

besides this, nearly everything seems to work fine - I only have one more issue (but already since some releases): open camera nearly all the time shows a red square after tapping for AF worth lense 1 and sometimes really doesn’t focus well - other apps focusing fine with lense1, ooencamera works fine with lense 2

thanks for any hints… BR

Thank you very much. Not very straightforward for my limited knowledge of these matters. I’ll study it again tomorrow.
But in the meantime: as the Teracube is not yet my first phone, I could do a clean install of e/os without losing much. But for that I would have to do something to the Teracube in bootloader mode to be able to use the e/os Easy installer again. If that is more simple I would prefer to do that.

Vendor Name: Samsung
Device name: Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (LTE) SM-T505
Device CodeName: gta4l
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: e-1.20-T
Version of Recovery which existed previously: e-1.20-T
The device is Not rooted

The OTA update 1.21-t went smoothly. The e-Recovery was also updated from version 1.20-t to 1.21-t as requested.

This would be a good solution … once you were sure all Search – “open” and “closed” issues were resolved.

We are yet to see (I think) a report from (in progress) – Easy Installer v0.21 (beta).

Meanwhile we see a CLI install from – back to Post #2

I am rather lost, but I tried to sideload v1.21 using the relevant file for Teracube 2e Zirconia from this page. However I stumbled on this error:
e/os failed to find update binary META/INF/com/google/android/update-binary

Enough for today. Will have another look tomorrow, but it is getting a bit frustrating.

Vendor name: TeraCube
Device name: 2e (2021)
Device CodeName: Emerald
Previous Version of /e/OS: v1.20.0
Rooted: no

I have too many LTE icons on the status bar.

This was not “the relevant file” for sideload … check out this post Murena One : v.1.21.2 release : with fix for wifi and bluetooth functionality - #5 by aibd regarding the “leading IMG” in the filename.

You will find a sideload ROM at or

… depending on your build type.

1 Like

Vendor name: Fairphone/Murena
Device name: FP5
Device CodeName: FP5
Previous Version of /e/OS: v1.20-t
Rooted: no

Rebooting bug still there.

Nom du fournisseur : Fairphone
Nom de l'appareil : FairPhone 3
Nom du code de l'appareil : FP3
Version de /e/OS ou Stock qui existait auparavant : 1.20 ->1.21-t Stable
L'appareil est-il rooté/non rooté : ?

MAJ proposed yesterday for the first time.
The update seems to work well in principle.
Worry: the result is mixed:

  • logo not very useful (4G phone)
  • the battery seems to drain very quickly, I don’t understand why.
  • the media playback notification is completely modified: small, isolated buttons that no longer allow you to manage playback properly (especially if you’re driving), useless moving bar (which must be draining the battery) → no options found to change this.
  • I can no longer use smiley faces in my sms, the button no longer exists.
  • the “settings” button has disappeared from the notification menu.

MAJ proposé hier pour la première fois.
La mise à jour semble fonctionner correctement sur le fond.
Souci : le résultat est mitigé :

  • apparition de logo pas très utile (téléphone 4G)
  • la batterie a l’air de se vider très vite, je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
  • la notification de lecture média est complètement modifié : bouton petit et isolé qui ne permettent plus de gérer correctement la lecture (surtout si vous êtes au volant), barre mobile inutile (et qui doit pomper sur la batterie) → aucune option trouvée pour changer cela.
  • je ne peux plus utiliser de smiley dans mes sms, le bouton n’existe plus.
  • bouton “paramètre” disparut du menu notification.

Thanks a lot! With aibd’s tip I was able to do a clean install.
At least I have the phone working again. Not ideal of course, as I now have to reinstall all my apps etc. Luckily the Teracube was not yet my main phone. Now I will have to think if I am willing to risk coming across an issue like this again, if I make e/os my principal choice, or if I stick with iPhone (currently iPhone SE 2016, which never gave me any issues). I know, Apple is also big tech which one should avoid, even if it is better on privacy than Google Android. Better, but not perfect: Keeping your data from Apple is harder than expected.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 4
Device CodeName: FP3 + FP4
Previous Version of /e/OS: 1.20-s (stable)
Rooted: No
OTA Version: Upgrade to v1.21.1-t (FP3) Upgrade to v1.21.1-s (FP4)

AppLounge still not working (since v1.20.) with USB-C-LAN-Connector (up to v1.19. it worked flawlessly). Now a black screen says: “Connection not possible. Please check the Internet-Connection and try again”. Updates still work in the background, but there is no possibility to search for Apps or access any menue.

Thanks for help or fixing (pleeeease)
Cheers Liquid

Vendor name: Murena
Device Name: Fairphone 4
Device Codename: FP4
Rooted: no

Since the udpate to 1.21 today, I cant call over Wifi when the Device is in WiFi but Aeroplane mode is on. This is supposed to be working.
VoLTE is working fine when connected to >=4G.
Operator = 26201

5G NR Indicator
Altough the phone status (##INFO##) reports EN-DC and NR available, there is no more 5G Icon as used to be before.

Also the 4G and the phone icon is uncool. Can that be turned off?

That phone icon is call strength. You can disable it in

Settings - System - Status Bar - System Icons and disable call strength

No 1.21 build available for this device.

  • Vendor Name: Sony
  • Device name: Xperia XZ2 Compact
  • Device CodeName: xz2c
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 1.20
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: not


Vendor Name: BQ
Device name: Aquaris X pro
Device Code Name: Bardock pro
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: Lineage 20
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: not rooted

No issues so far… It’s grrrrrreat :+1::sunglasses:

Ce sont des modifications de l’interface dues à Android 13, il me semble que c’est lié au paradigme de l’interface Material You (source ). Plus d’explication sur le lecteur multimédia sur la page offciel d’Android 13 ( Votre musique n’a jamais été aussi stylée)
Pour les smileys, il faut faire un appuis long sur la virgule à gauche → Paramètres du Clavier → Préférences → Afficher la touche Émoji