Feedback for v2.1

I just went with a fabric reset. Got tired of looking for other solutions. No problem now.

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I’d say things are more or less back to normal - I see sometimes in the battery usage “Android OS” or “Wakelocks” but for a few percents only - not always.

So I would be tempted to say that as some people pointed out in some forums, when installing a new version of Android, the new OS sort of analyses our app usage at the beginning and it may result with battery drain -
Could be worth mentioning it in the upgrades… or maybe I missed it ?!

@ others who noticed a battery drain : did it stop for you as well ?

OnePlus Nord working perfectly. It’s much more faster than the 1.8 version that I had. I didn’t see there was so much update :sweat_smile:. Thanks for the job !

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device CodeName : FP5
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t - stable
Previous version : 2.0-t - stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not rooted

Option “Edge long swipe action” doesn’t work anymore since 2.1 on the home screen, was working on 2.0

And same problem as @ctranxuan for the device camera with the RAW format since 2.1

I tried to upgrade thr OnePlus 8 Pro OTA. After downloading I startet the upgrade. The reboot stocks on the start screen (the screen withe the information about the unlocked bootloader).
After some reboots the OnePlus starts withe the"old" version (1.21-r-20240323388914-stable-instantnoodlep).
Now the update shows again the new Version. I paused the download (see screenshot).

Is there a way to upgrade without sideloading etc.?


You can try an upgrade according to the LineageOS upgading instructions

NOTE: Following these instructions will not wipe your data. It is, however, recommended to save important data before doing so, anyway!

However, I would additionally and first install the current /e/ Recovery alias

  • recovery-recovery-e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-instantnoodlep.img together with
  • dtbo dtbo-e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-instantnoodlep. img
  • vbmeta-e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-instantnoodlep.img

and then install it on the basis of /e/Recovery /e/OS-T using the command

  • adb -d sideload

Posting will be revised by author.

My FP4 has battery drain too. And these “Mobile network” and “Android system” eating battery like a wolf on a chicken coop…
It’s clearly a bug in Android 13 update. I hope there will be a fix in next OTAs…

Any update on this? Will there be a revised 2.1 release?

I would like to address a general “thank you” to our programmers. I use /e/ OS since June 2020 on a fairphone 3 (bought for this puropse).

The reliabiliy and stability became very good during this time span.

A very important improvement from my point of view is the installation and update process:

  1. My initial installation was done with “nerdy” Qualcomm R&D tools and matching chipset drivers. I did it on my lab PC at work, which set up for purposes like that. This whole procedure was only recommended for experienced and technically skilled people.

  2. My first update to a higher OS version was made using the “easy installer”. After I got it installed on my Linux Mint PC, it was very easy to update.

  3. Update to Version 2.1 worked OTA - the highest level of user-friendlyness which is possible!

Thank you for that progress. It is the way to reach larger numbers of users.


There will be 2.2 and in farther future also 2.3, it might get fixed if a issue is reported on gitlab

Hi everyone,

may I add one thing this section too which relates to my created topic here: Samsung S9+ loss of closing app feature after upgrade from 2.0-s to 2.1-s

The section in the settings → buttons → “back long press action” is missing the option to close the current running application in the foreground. This option was in the previos version 2.0-s and is lost with 2.1

Device: Samsung Galaxy S9+ star2lte
Current OS: 2.1-s-20240603406609-stable-star2lte

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS: 2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-FP3
Is the device: Not rooted

Before beginning, I want to thank to every Devs of /e/OS for our work.
I use the OS since 5 or 6 years, it’s an amazing Android OS.
Many, many thanks :slight_smile:

For my first post here, I send a workaround, I hope can help.
My tests are below.

Device can’t connect to any IPv4 with an APN IPv6-only in Data Mobile network.
It’s maybe related with the issue 6793 [1], I have the same trouble with Proton VPNs or my Wireguard home server.
I did some tests and that concern all connections to IPv4 servers in Mobile Data.

My mobile operator (Bouygues Telecom, french operator) provide an APN IPv6-only with 464XLAT [2].

I found in Android code the property [3] : net.464xlat.cellular.enabled
and it’s set to false.

When I set the property to true, a new interface is create: v4-rmnet_data1 and a IPv4 is
setprop net.464xlat.cellular.enabled true

But this parameter is volatile, and it’s necessary to set after a reboot.
I try with ‘persist.*’ but it doesn’t works.

I don’t known if it is a workaround or this parameter is good. I’m right?

Another question: why Web browsing on the device is not impacted?

[1] FP3 does not re-connect to VPN after v1.9s upgrade (#6793) ¡ Issues ¡ e / Backlog ¡ GitLab
[2] Tutoriel pour activer IPv6 sur Android [In French]
[3] android[.]googlesource[.]com/platform/system/netd/+/refs/heads/master/server/netd.rc#31

(I can’t post more than 2 links)


For beginner users do not try this at home

With adb shell in root

When the property is set to true

FP3:/ # cmd connectivity airplane-mode enable
FP3:/ # setprop net.464xlat.cellular.enabled true
FP3:/ # cmd connectivity airplane-mode disable

interface :

FP3:/ # ip a sh dev v4-rmnet_data1                                                                                               
34: v4-rmnet_data1: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1586 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
    inet brd scope global v4-rmnet_data1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

route :

  FP3:/ # ip r sh table all | grep  v4-rmnet_data1                                                                                 
  default via dev v4-rmnet_data1 table v4-rmnet_data1 proto static dev v4-rmnet_data1 table v4-rmnet_data1_local proto static scope link 
  local dev v4-rmnet_data1 table local proto kernel scope host src 
  broadcast dev v4-rmnet_data1 table local proto kernel scope link src


06-29 15:38:32.545  1549  1865 D ConnectivityService: NAT64 prefix changed on netId 142: operation=1, 64:ff9b::/96
06-29 15:38:32.700  1549  1837 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10105/2099 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 593 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=593, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> Uid: 10105 RequestorUid: 10105 RequestorPkg: com.qualcomm.qti.cne UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
06-29 15:38:32.719  1549  1865 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface v4-rmnet_data1 to network 142

Test IPv4 connection:

FP3:/ # curl -v -4 -o /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
*  CAfile: none
*  CApath: /system/etc/security/cacerts
} [5 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [512 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [122 bytes data]
[../..] Some TLS

When the propertie is set to false

FP3:/ # cmd connectivity airplane-mode enable
FP3:/ # setprop net.464xlat.cellular.enabled false
FP3:/ # cmd connectivity airplane-mode disable
FP3:/ # ip a sh dev v4-rmnet_data1                                                                                               
Device "v4-rmnet_data1" does not exist.
1|FP3:/ # 
1|FP3:/ # ip r sh table all | grep  v4-rmnet_data1                                                                               
1|FP3:/ #

No logcat: no IPv4 is requested

Test IPv4 connection:

FP3:/ # curl -v -4 -o /dev/null                                                                   
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
* Immediate connect fail for Network is unreachable
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
7|FP3:/ #

Only IPv6 connection works

1|FP3:/ # curl -v -6 -o /dev/null                                                                 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying 2a01:4f8:1c17:4e10:d00b::2:443...
* Connected to (2a01:4f8:1c17:4e10:d00b::2) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
*  CAfile: none
*  CApath: /system/etc/security/cacerts
} [5 bytes data]
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:x: No clean installation of v2.1 possible - T500XXS7CXB1

Vendor Name: SAMSUNG
Device name: Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) SM-T500
Device CodeName: gta4lwifi
:x: Version of Stock which existed previously: (A12) T500XXS7CXB1 - BIT 7 (BINARY/U/SW REV)
My device is Not rooted

:white_check_mark: Fresh & clean installation of v2.1 and it works well.

Vendor Name: SAMSUNG
Device name: Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) SM-T500
Device CodeName: gta4lwifi
:white_check_mark: Version of Stock which existed previously: (A12) T500XXS6CWI2 - BIT 6 (BINARY/U/SW REV)
My device is Not rooted

:white_check_mark: Fresh & clean installation of v2.1 and it works well.

Vendor Name: SAMSUNG
Device name: Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) SM-T500
Device CodeName: gta4lwifi
:white_check_mark: Version of Stock which existed previously: (A12) T500XXU4CWD2 - BIT 4 (BINARY/U/SW REV)
My device is Not rooted

A clean install is possible without any problems with existing stock Android 12 firmware T500XXS6CWI2 - BIT 6 (BINARY/U/SW REV) and T500XXU4CWD2 - BIT 4 (BINARY/U/SW REV).

As already communicated several times (here and here and here), a clean install is not possible with existing stock Android 12 firmware T500XXS7CXB1 - BIT 7 (BINARY/U/SW REV) because /e/ has not yet made any adjustments. Well, it has not even been suggested to check the problem.

Vendor Name: Gigaset 
Device name: "GS290"
Device CodeName: GS290
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously:  
      Now it is 2.1-s-20240603406609-stable-GS290
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

USB OTG to my Dac is still not working.

Hi everybody,

on my side, still no issue to download the new version (some minutes) and to install it (just some minutes, perhaps 5 min).

  • Vendor Name : Samsung
  • Device name : A5 2017
  • Device CodeName : a5y17lte
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : v2.0
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not Rooted

I noticed some issues (some were already there in 2.0 & previous) :

  • I don’t see the QR Code tool in Camera app: fixed. Just the UX is not straightforward because you need to switch to video instead photo to see it. But feature not yet tested. (thanks @mihi)
  • NFC doesn’t work (like in any previous version)
  • Unfortunately no v3 for Bliss Launcher :frowning:
  • Like in v2.0, as soon as I start a call, the network switch to lower speed (2G or perhaps 3G) so internet is not available anymore (During call network switches to 3G and comes back to 4G after (#8095) ¡ Issues ¡ e / Backlog ¡ GitLab)
  • Still with this version CityMapper doesn’t work (start but does nothing)
  • Since 1.17 or 1.18, impossible to have access to voice messaging in the call app. I have to call my voice messaging

For the others functions/apps, I didn’t noticed issue after some weeks of use

Your device is on R I guess. With R there is no Bliss Launcher V3. For QR code try switching modes, like from photo to video, there you should find QR if R has it.

Please note that your device will soon be unsupported:

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oh no… no legacy for my phone !!! Please !!!
Thanks @mihi for the QR option

Since v2.1 upgrade, I can’t receive SMS messages anymore. Any hints ? Thanks in advance for your help.

Check whether the SMSC (Short Message Service Center) number the phone uses is correct:

  • Dial *#*#4636#*#* … “Testing” menu appears.

  • Choose “Phone information”.

  • Scroll down to the “SMSC:” input field.

    It’s not very intuitive territory there. This text field can be empty, and the SMSC the phone uses can be fine nonetheless.

    First use the “REFRESH” button, this will put the SMSC the phone currently uses into the field, or “refresh error” if there is none.
    After the phone number of the SMSC there might be an added number given, separated by a comma. This is harmless.
    You can check whether it is the correct SMSC by looking it up online for your provider or by asking your provider for the correct number.

    If you decide to enter a different number here, you will have to confirm your input with the “UPDATE” button next to the field, else it will not be adopted by the phone.

If your SMSC turns out to be correctly entered, try whether it helps to turn off the phone (no reboot, real shutdown), wait a few seconds and turn the phone on again.
In case you use a physical SIM card for SMS, not an eSIM, you might use the opportunity to reseat the SIM card when the phone is off … can’t hurt.

For a more extreme measure there’s a network reset in Settings - System - Reset options. Be aware that this will affect Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, too, so be prepared for the loss of e.g. Wi-Fi passwords and paired Bluetooth devices.