Feedback for v2.5

Good to know it can work.
I tried that too but no success so far.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device Name: Fairphone 3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.4.1-t official
Not rooted

the update-manager do not recognize internet-connexion

  • Vendor Name: Google
  • Device name: Pixel 7
  • Device CodeName: Panther
  • Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 2.4.1 T (dev)
  • Is the device Rooted / not rooted: not rooted

For now, all good.

If it is the case that the phone requires fastboot it will not respond to any adb command.

Please try

fastboot devices

Do you expect the device to be authorised from your previous use of the phone recently?

When one suddenly and unexpectedly sees ā€œunauthorisedā€ it can be that the phone has reset, such that USB debugging switched off. Not good to hear, sorry, but may be a clue.

From your emphasis, should I guess that you did already see response to fastboot devices? In which case the phone seems to be saying that it is set for a ā€œReinstallā€.

You say you canā€™t reinstall ā€“ the first step [1] device dependent might be

fastboot -w

This will Format data, but did you try that command?

[1] Do you have zirconia or emerald?

Vendor Name: Google
Device Name: Pixel 5
Device CodeName: Redfin
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 2.4.1 T Official
Is the device Rooted / Not Root

No issues so far.
Thanks for this update!

I might also give a try with the Molly-UP. The test app from F-Droid worked for me.

On which device are you trying? I was under the impression you have 2

Here ā€œadbā€ command should work if you enable it in recovery advanced menu

Good Point! my bad :upside_down_face:

Pixel 4a
before: 2.4.1-t-20241011439852-community-sunfish
now: 2.5-t-20241108446630-community-sunfish
not rooted

all well, no issues from what I see so far ā€¦ UnifiedPush works (tested with UP-Example)

Galaxy S7 (SM-G930F)
before: 2.4.1-s-20241008439849-official-herolte
now: 2.5-s-20241108446631-official-herolte
not Rooted

all well so far ā€¦ except UnifiedPush does not work (tested with Molly-UP and UP-Example)

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 5
Device CodeName: FP5
Previous Version of /e/OS: 2.4-t (stable)
Current Version of /e/OS: 2.5-t (stable)
Rooted: No

No issues so far.

I tested a bit more today: for me UP works when I activate the new toggle in System, then I receive a ā€œregularā€ notification from any other app that does not support UP and UP does not work anymore. I could easily reproduce this bug many times.

Itā€™s probably the occasion to write a new gitlab issue.

maybe I am reading this wrong but I do not get it :slight_smile: UP works and does not work at the same time?

or is it ā€œit works in the beginning but soon degrades to a non-functional stateā€ (as soon any non-UP-notifications are received by other apps)

it quite seems soā€¦

just to be sure: you have no parallel extra-install of ntfy-app or the like, right?

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Thatā€™s it. Works at the beginning, then stops working as soon as non-UP apps send push notifications.


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Vendor Name: Oneplus
Device name: 8T
Device CodeName: kebab
Previous Version of /e/OS: 2.4.1-t (dev)
Current Version of /e/OS: 2.5-t (dev)
Rooted: Yes

so far so good. I switch the new toggle in Parameter/system for Unified push activation and it seems to work finely.

Same config, same issueā€¦

Have you considered this might be the reason why Molly-UP does not work?

Hi Mr.Croche,
I had the same problem with my FP3. In my case I deleted all my shortcuts from launcher to the startscreen.
I emptied also the cache from the browser and everything is now ok for me.

not yet ā€¦ Thanks for the tip, Iā€™ll have a look as soon as UP works on my S7 (where my Molly-UP is) ā€¦ because UP-Example (the test app provided by UP) doesnā€™t work on the S7 either (it does work on the 4a though). This leads me to conclude that there is some kind of general bug in the S7 UP-implementation OR something I have completely overlooked so farā€¦ (or bothā€¦ :slight_smile:

Maybe others will report on how UP works for them and whether it works for Molly-UP ootb or not (who knows, maybe thereĀ“s even an instance of mollysocket available in the UP- implementation of eOS/murena), I hope there will be some howto or documentation soonā€¦

edit: UP-Example works fine on S7 with an extra-install of ntfy which is odd
Now waiting for the next signal-message to come in and check whether my setup notifies me (setup = S7 + ntfy install + molly socket server defined in ntfy + Molly-UP
(system-integrated ntfy seemingly includes hardcoded (?) server settings etc. which means it is impossible to define a Molly socketā€¦ nice for other apps I guess but a pity for molly)

edit #2 (+2d): the above described setup works for Molly-UP on S7/herolte ā€¦ even though Molly still claims to be ā€œwaiting for the test notificationā€ - nevertheless: since then I got notifications for every incoming signal message!

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FP 3+
e/OS: 2.5

Same issue with default browser being extremely slow at loading web pages.

Other browsers seem to work fine.

Hi @hakunamatata ,
For my info, how did you get Google camera? I have tried several MODs but none of them worked correctly.

I too have a pixel 5.

Many thanks!

Hi Huib43,
Thanks for your help.
I emptied cache and complete storage from the browser but nothing changed, loading pages is really too slow.