Feedback for v2.6.3

This is what was written under the release notes on the first page.

You have two options :

  • Wait for the next releases until A14 becomes official
  • change from official to community bulid to get A14 now. For this you need a computer and flash the community built manually.

I read above, that the Fairphone Camera is missing in the community built.

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@N200 ā€¦both did not work.

I can visit the websites, i can do an installation of the Apps, but they donā€™t work! (They donā€™t open)

Aurora Store App says:
unable to parse TLS packet header

F-Droid says:
! No connection possible. Please check internet connection and try again.

It is irrelevant from where the app comes from. f-droid, aurora store from akpmirror or from the official aurora store. It just wonā€™t work.
It is totally frustrating. Since 2 days I try all i can. Spending hours in the community-forum read every article to find a solution. I didnā€™t knew that I am going to buy a bag of problems when I decided to buy a FP4 with /e/ Os one week ago. :frowning:

I noticed that all sounds of my FP4 didnā€™t work after the upgrade. I turned off the phone, extracted the battery, waited a momentā€¦ Now they sounds.

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FP5 2.5-t ā†’ 2.6.3-t-20241217455358-official; not rooted
All fine - no problems :+1:
Briefly tested: Bliss Launcher, Open Launcher, Fossify Launcher, FP-camera, FreeOTP, KeepassDX, Signal, Thunderbird, Fdroid, Aurora, App Lounge, Easybank, MullvadVPN

You know that you could contact Murena via, try the FAQ but scroll right to the bottom to ā€œContact usā€.

Vendor Name : Murena
Device name : Fairphone 4
Device Code Name : FP4
Version of /e/OS : 2.6.3-u stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.5-t stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

The upgrade to Android 14 (u) was very fast, thanks a lot to the team for proposing it OTA :partying_face: :christmas_tree:. As another user mentioned, both OpenCamera and Fairphone Camera have a problem when used in full 48MP mode. The pictures taken are only 2.8 MB.


Vendor Name : Murena
Device name : Fairphone 4
Device Code Name : FP4
Version of /e/OS : 2.6.3-u stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.5-t stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

Everything went smooth. Iā€™m on Android 14. It seems battery consumption is less than Android 13. And, like other users mentioned above, I think the camera says is making 48mp photos. and in Gallery appears the difference in photo information (48 or 12 mp), but really the image quality is the same in 48mp than in 12mp.

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Vendor Name : Murena
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device Code Name : FP5
Version of /e/OS : 2.6.3-t - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.5-t stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

Upgrade was quick and smooth. All appears to be fine.

Thanks to the teams.

I installed the update via sideload. Everything went well.

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  • Vendor Name: Fairphone
  • Device name: FP5
  • Device CodeName: FP5
  • Version of /e/OS : 2.6.3-u-community
  • Previous version of /e/OS: 2.5-t-community
  • Rooted : No

Most issue disappeared with A14/U upgrade. In that aspect this is a great success.

Only minor-ish annoyances remain, most of them linked to multi-user on the same phone. Not the most universally used feature on a phone (I use it to have a test user with all the terms in English to do better bug reports), but it probably will be a much more used feature on the Murena tablet, as those device are for less personal than phones.

  • When changing things on Advanced Privacy it applies to all user, even though those user sees those options as disabled.
    • As an example, if I enable ā€œFake geolocalisationā€ on on user A, user B will be affected too and wonā€™t be able to get any real geolocatisation at all, despite the option being disabled on his end
  • When gesture navigation mode is enabled on an user, with the hint hidden, it will hide the navigation hint on any other user, given they too use gesture navigation, even if they enabled the navigation hint on their own option.
  • When switching from an user with fingerprint unlock enable to another without, the hint is still displayed, and the numeric keyboard slightly darkened, but only on the first login. Subsequent logins wonā€™t show the hint.
  • ā€œTap to wakeā€ option is shown, but donā€™t do anything when enabled.
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Thereā€™s no OTA upgrade to Android 14 (U) yet for the Fairphone 5, it would seem. The community build is available and can be installed manually ā€¦ /e/OS community FP5 download

To follow proceedings regarding OTA upgrades please check the weekly posts in Topics tagged development-updates, section ā€œOS OTA Related informationā€ respectively.

The only OTA upgrade to Android 14 (U) currently mentioned is on FP4, and itā€™s listed as testing ā€¦

And please keep in mind ā€¦

(Hereā€™s how to check the build type/release channel a phone is on.)

Vendor Name: Fairphone from Murena
Device name: FP4
Device CodeName:
Version of /e/OS: 2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-FP4
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5-t
Not rooted

OTA update went perfectly. All I use working, and nice to see Android 14 in place.

Thanks Team!

  • Vendor Name Samsung
  • Device name Galaxy S7
  • Device CodeName Herolte
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously /e/OS-S 2.5 stable
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted Not Rooted

OTA update to 2.6.3-S stable, went smooth, everything seems to work.


But did see, security update is still October 5, 2024
Is this an oversight?
So what is the use of this update, if security updates are not updated?

Fairphone 5: 2.6.3 T over OTA

Now I have a blurred background in the bar bar (ā€œdockā€). Where can I turn it off?

. Vendor Name: Fairphone
. Device name: FP4
. Device CodeName: FP 4
. Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5 T Stable
. Is the device rooted?: Not rooted

Upgrade to 2.6.3 U was smooth and incredibly faster than all previous updates/upgrades; amazing!

Everything looks nice so far. Thank you to all involved developers!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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  • Vendor Name: Fairphone
  • Device name: FP5
  • Device CodeName: FP 5
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5 official (A13)
  • Is the device: Not rooted

Everything working so far and the OTA Update was quick and without problems (Still A13 - i am waiting for A14 until it becomes the official)
Fp Camera App works fine.
Thanks to the team!
Merry Christmas and a lot of success in the comming year!

Vendor Name: Fairphone Murena
Device name: Firphone 4
Device CodeName: FP 4
Version of /e/OS previously : 2.5-t
Version of /e/OS : 2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-FP4
Device: Not rooted

Everything seems to work fine except for the e/os Browser, which stills very slow when loading pages. This issue occured with the last update (2.5-t).
May it be just a configuration issue ?


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Do you have a blurred background around the app dock? I have this problem on the FP5 since the update

Please see v2.6.3-s Ā· e / os / šŸš€ Releases Ā· GitLab.

Good question, as the 2.6.3-t and 2.6.3-u releases list November security patches.

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