Feedback for v2.6.3

Release Information

Please share feedback on v2.6.3 build for your device and let us know how it is working with applications that you use.

  • The release will be staggered over the next couple of days from 20 Dec to 26 Dec.
  • Release notes
  • To report issues with the build or applications raise an issue on gitlab

Feedback poll

We will also have a poll to rate this build.

  • I have updated to v2.6.3 on my device and it is working well
  • I updated to v2.6.3 but I am having issues (Please share the issue details on this thread)
  • I am not able to update to v2.6.3 (Please share the issue details on this thread)
0 voters

Add this info to your feedback

When sharing your feedback or issues, Please add the following details

  • Vendor Name
  • Device name
  • Device CodeName
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted

Refer this table for vendor, codename details

Refer this guide to share more details in your feedback

:warning: Do not share test build information

  • This thread has been created specifically for posting information on official /e/OS builds.

  • To understand the difference between build types refer this guide

  • Please do not post information or links to /e/OS test builds on the forum.

  • The test builds are as yet untested and under development, and may in some cases cause user devices to soft brick.

  • Such information can confuse other users who do not see these builds in the updater.

  • Remember not all users who come to this forum are experts in installing and formatting custom ROMs and can end up seriously damaging their devices by trying out these test builds

  • If you are genuinely interested in helping with the testing activities and also understand how to fix and do some minor level of testing on custom ROMS, you are welcome to join the testing team

  • As part of the testing team you can share your comments on the dedicated testing telegram channel.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Hi, something is not quite clear, the release notes say:

The following devices can be upgraded to Android 14 (apart from the Fairphone 4 and the Pixel Tablet which have an Official version, all the devices below are offered a Community version)

Does it mean that only for the Fairphone 4 and the Pixel Tablet /e/OS 2.6.3 is based on Android 14? What happens if I update a device to /e/OS 2.6.3, will it still run on Android 13? I’m very confused


My understanding of the statement is the following :

here is a list of devices that can be upgraded (this mean that it require an action from you). A14 is available for all devices but only FP4 and PT will be upgraded via OTA (Over The Air, OS upgrade witout connecting the device to a computer)

No it says that the following devices can be upgraded to Android 14 but some of them as community builds and Faiphone + Tablet as official build.

Unfortunately the wording was changed in the past and now it’s not intuitive or industry standard any more. Official is ‘stable’ which means it is highly testest and maintained by Murena. community is ‘dev’, it is therefore not highly tested and the base does not necessarily come from Murena alone.

See here:

Ok so if someone has a Murena device, they must look for 2.6.3 (/e/OS version) u (Android version) official (maintained by Murena), correct? Will this be released? And will there be an OTA update for devices that are not FP4 and Pixel Tablet? @Manoj

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Murena devices get official builds. This means devices which are or were sold in the Murena shop get builds which are tagged official
The rest of the devices get builds which are tagged as community.
Both official and community builds get OTA updates.
v2.6.3 will be released for both official and community builds similar to other releases.
Some official devices even get the OS upgrade ( for example from R to S , T to U )as an OTA build. For others it is a manual process.


Fairphone | FP3+ | FP3 | previously on e-2.5-t-20241111446827-community-FP3 | not rooted

I upgraded to 2.6.3-U (Android 14) using ADB Sideload. The Recovery reported the installation as complete when progress on the computer side was still stuck/shown at just 47%. It took like 2-3 minutes to boot the FP3+ (the little ball under the e symbol was bouncing longer than usually). Initial impression is a bit laggy, but I’ll see if this levels out after a while. The two active apps (Desktop clock and VLC 3.5.7) initially gave incompatibility prompts referring to the new Android 14, but still work.

Other Fairphoners, please note: 2.6.3 is available for the FP3, FP4 and FP5 only as a community build right now (official build not yet) and :exclamation: both in a T (Android 13) and a U (Android 14) version for the FP3 and FP5. For the FP4 there is only the U version. From all I know you will get the T version if you update OTA. Feel free to check what’s online for you:

/e/OS community FP3 download or /e/OS official FP3 download
/e/OS community FP4 download or /e/OS official FP4 download
/e/OS community FP5 download or /e/OS official FP5 download

You might need to click on the “Android T(13)” line to see the T builds.

P.S.: As @piero and @AnotherElk educated me a while ago (and as my own installation confirmed again now :blush:), for ADB sideload you need to alter the download URL from to something like (so you just remove the IMG- part – and alter the parts before depending on your Fairphone model).

Vendor Name: Google
Device name: Pixel 6
Device CodeName: oriole
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: eOS 2.5 (Android 13)
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

I did the update manually by following the instructions on the Lineage OS page for my device, there is a specific section for upgrading to a new Android version there, and I took the risk of just following that one.

The update went without problems, the device rebooted within 1-2 minutes and everything seems fine so far.

I am using Lawnchair as a Launcher, and needed to update to the matching version also, with the old one the Gallery app was not visible.


One procedural suggestion @Manoj

It might make sense to make the Feedback poll in the original post public (i.e. everyone can see what a user voted for) next time – I don’t think any of the three options is really controversial. And most importantly, it would allow you and others to find the details that the poll asks for (“Please share the issue details on this thread”) quicker.

Vendor Name: Google
Device name: Pixel 8a
Device CodeName: akita
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: Stock
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

Hello, I am excited to upgrade my /e/OS handset to Pixel 8a… been using EOS for daily driver since 2.

I’m following the instrs from Install /e/OS on a Google Pixel 8a - “akita”, to the letter (as always), and getting stuck at step 5 of “Installing a custom recovery using fastboot” – I can’t boot to recovery. I flashed the recovery-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455570-community-akita.img extracted from in step 4, but my P8a just won’t boot to recovery.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Appreciate any advise.

  • Vendor Name: OnePlus
  • Device name: Nord N200
  • Device CodeName: dre
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5
  • Is the device Not rooted

I confirm the following two issues persist since I first tried e/os 2.0, 2.4.1, 2.5

  • Kill foreground app is missing from available button long press action
  • Take screenshot is missing from App Drwawer when on default vertical 90 degree view
  • Vendor Name: OnePlus
  • Device name: 8T
  • Device CodeName: kebab
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5
  • Device rooted

System settings update shows : “no update available”, so I update the device manually by mean of recovery and adb sideload.
Everything ok so far.

one day later after my initial post, all my main apps work finely. No issue discovered on both my kebab and gts4lv devices. Good job /e/ team :grin:
Just have to say that changes between U and T release aren’t obvious. The both versions seem very similar…

  • Vendor Name: Samsung
  • Device name: Galaxy tab S5e
  • Device CodeName: gts4lv
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5
  • device rooted

System settings update shows : “no update available”, so I update the device manually by mean of recovery and adb sideload.
Everything ok so far.

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Hi, did you upgrade making a complete factory reset (incl. wipe all data) or did you upgrade by leaving everthing as it is and just perform adb sideload?

Thanks a lot.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 (LTE) SM-T505 [ gta4l ]

Vendor Name: Samsung
Device name: Galaxy Tab A7 (LTE) SM-T505
Device CodeName: gta4l
My device is Not rooted

Device N° 1
Version of Stock which existed previously:
Samsung Firmware Version S (Android 12)

Device N° 2
Version of Stock which existed previously:
Samsung Firmware Version S (Android 12)

Clean install of /e/OS-U now possible with Samsung firmware versions S (Android 12) T505XXS7CXB1 + T505XXS8CXG1

/e/ BlissLauncher 3.1.0 now displays the app icons correctly centered in portrait and landscape format. This makes /e/OS-U a joy to use on a tablet.

Thank you D/e/v Team :clap:


To be fully clear :slight_smile:
did you upgrade making a complete factory reset (incl. wipe all data) : No
did you upgrade by leaving everthing as it is and just perform adb sideload : Yes

But I trustworthy want to say that I perform a backup to data I don’t want to loose before adb sideloading



Using a Fairhpone 3, with version 2.5-t-20241111446629-official-FP3, build e_FP3-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20241111.123300

This version is the latest official for the FP3, but a newer 2.63 (Community) exists that repairs the Google apps (yes I know :(… ). Is there an easy way to switch to community build without having to wipe phone ? (Like changing the depots in a Linux distrib)

And if I switch to community, will I keep getting upgrades ?(I remember using a Dev build and being stuck to an old version without being able to switch to another version without having to reinstall the whole phone)

Bonus question, is 2.63 planned for official FP3 upgrades ? Soon ?

Vendor Name: Motorola
Device name: Moto One Action
Device CodeName: troika
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: eOS 2.5-t
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

Update was successful, but my system PIN (“PIN is required after the devices restarts”) is not recognized anymore (SIM PIN works fine). Any advice except factory reset?

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  • Vendor Name: OnePlus
  • Device name: Nord N200
  • Device CodeName: dre
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5

Stock mail app still 6.711 on e/os 2.6 as it was on e/os 2.5

Problem with Hotmail/Outlook OAuth 2.0 persists “invalid request”

Seems like it didn’t happen as expected…

  • Vendor Name: Fairphone
  • Device name: 5
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.5-t-20241109446827-community

OTA update become available only after many request to check updates in the phone settings.
But I saw updates half day before in this page.

OTA update was smooth.
Now I have 2.6.3-t-20241219455848-community-FP5 build and android 13.
Release notes offer to upgrade device to android 14.
How can I do it?

Big thanks to the team.
Great job

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