FP5 rebooting occasionally since /e/os 1.18 upgrade

Hi, since upgrading my Fairphone 5 to /e/os 1.18 it has been occasionally rebooting. This is very fast - the murena screen appears, then I have to put in my pin. It has happened about once per day, while using different apps. So there doesn’t seem to be any specific app which triggers this. Any advice appreciated.


Same problem , but it is not a reboot.

Just an interface restart.



Same here. I can confirm that issue.


And same here, GUI reboots quite randomly.

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Same here.
Updated to 1.19.1 and it still happens…

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Same here, allmost every day, quick restart GUI and needing to enter pasword to unlock, not my SIM PIN code.
Maybe it has something to do with the App Lounge or updating apps, because everytime directly after restart the App Launch mentions it has updated one or more apps. More users expercience this? Hope this info helps to find the cause. Greets, Robert

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Can’t confirm this. But I’m using a different launcher on my FP5, Discrete Launcher, not Bliss :man_shrugging:

Sorry, i spelled the name of the App store wrong, i mean App Lounge.

Here, too, GUI restarts (no SIM pincode) since 1.18 upgrade on my FP5, almost once a day. Update 1.19 did not solve this. Using Nova launcher, if relevant. Not been able to detect a particular pattern in or trigger for restarts.

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Glad to see I’m not the only one. V1.19 for me, not a full reboot as it doesn’t flash up the unlocked bootloader warning or anything.

Also seeing the problem on my FP 4 w/ .18 & .19

Same here. Got my FP5 just a couple of days ago and installed /e/ on it, so it is the newest version. Daily UI crashes.
For me it happens, when I swipe on the screen. Imagine the screen being split into a 3 (horizontal) by 5 (vertical) area. I sweep with my right thumb from the lower middle (row 4 / column 2) to the middle right (row 3 / column 3). Then the interface restarts. In each instance it was one of these sweeps that resulted in the restart.
I initially thought that it happened while using the built in browser and switched to another one. But then it happened in a completely unrelated app.
This really annoys me. Coming from an iPhone something like this was unthinkable for me…

I would mention that /e/OS is a so-called Custom ROM, not the original stock OS for the phone … if it would matter, but things like this can also happen on official stock vendor Android OSes.

Android is kind of a mess since it’s around, but at the same time it gives a certain welcome freedom, which on an iPhone is unthinkable.
Better buckle up for the ride :wink: .

You are kind of right and wrong at the same time :slight_smile:

My primary phone is an iPhone11 and my idea was to replace it with my FP-5.
But I’ve used a OnePlus 6t as my secondary phone, running lineageos, for years. And never had these random bugs. Before that I used Cyanogen on my OnePlus 1 until it broke.
My kids use OnePlus 7t pro with /e/, again no problems. And before last week they had lineageos on their phones. No crashes.
My wifes OnePlus 9 too is on /e/ without problems.

So I kind of expected the same stability.

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Can confirm the occasionally reboot. ~ 2 or 3 days. May be no full crash as the reported uptime does not reset, but i need to confirm my pin as biometric auth is not accepted. But it happens when I actively use the device.

I was using Bliss launcher, but I will test KISS launcher if the reboot happens there too.

Several reboots :

Today, the first reboot came after taking a picture with native camera app. FP5 restarted on the recovery mode. I did not find the photo in the gallery.

The second one arrived after opening an email with Mail native app. FP5 restarted with Murena logo.

Not so funny to have more than 2 reboots per day…

Yarp same here. Not a full reboot, but an interface reboot.

I’m using ‘Simple Launcher’ by Tibor Kaputa (the ‘orange’ apps you see in f-droid).

It seems to happen at random. Once or twice it’s been when I clicked a link in firefox - as soon as I tapped my finger it rebooted.

Started to notice the same here: App Lounge updating apps right after each random reboot (working in the background, the App Lounge role wasn’t evident to me at first, but now I notice this every time so far). Not sure whether the update process is triggered by the reboot or the reboot is triggered by the update process, though. For what it’s worth.

experienced this “short” reboot with the Murena logo at least once a day too.
No way to find out the situation, because it is always different when it happens.
Using nova launcher…
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Hi, since upgrading my Fairphone 5 to /e/os 1.18 it has been occasionally rebooting. This is very fast - the murena screen appears, then I have to put in my pin. It has happened about once per day, while using different apps. So there doesn’t seem to be any specific app which triggers this. Any advice appreciated.
