FP5 rebooting occasionally since /e/os 1.18 upgrade

I also experience these seemingly random occurences.

Just wanted to add that before I installed /e/OS on my FP5 I had it running with the pre-installed Android for a few days, and these shut-downs happened there, too.

So IMO this isn’t an /e/OS bug, this is the FairPhone’s doing. Hopefully they can fix whatever tthis bug is, so the /e/ developers can have something to push to us users. We appreciate the work you put in, thank you.

I haven’t experienced this for a while and for me it was caused by some apps trying to contact trackers with full CPU use and getting blocked by advanced privacy.

Can anyone experiencing this run top -b -n 1 -o %CPU,%MEM,CMDLINE -s1 -m 20 in adb shell and see if anything is having abnormal CPU usage?

Experiencing this as well. Before updating to 2.2 it was like 1/week but now it’s multiple times a day

Still rebooting daily after update on 2.2…

I am on 2.1 (FP5, rooted, no e/os/ account).
Had reboots daily until I disabled the ‘/e/ drive’ app. I have no idea if it will help others, but no reboots in a week (so far) :slight_smile:

I confirm that i have also have UI reboots 1-3 times per day since i have my phone installed with /e/OS 2.1.

First i will add 2 screenshots and then i will edit my comment on my laptop. (Typing goes better)

So, the screenshots are a little bit bigger then i thougt, so i changed the format.

In reaction on the answer from Manoj that this bug proberly comes from a memory problem?
I disabled storage management. (i do not believe that this wil solve the problem, but we will see what it does.

I also noticed somethin about a TRUST Security app that tells me that Google sending patches to this phone to secure my safety or something like that.

Same issue here : random reboot
seems like it’s when I’m typing things … so I thought it was linked to the keyboard app and tried a different one but the issue came back.
Then I thought it was the SMS app but then I had the same issue using Signal

Don’t know what to do actually

Phone : FP5
/e/ OS : 2.2 stable (← not yet, krr krr)

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Looks like fix for soft reboot in release notes again provisionally for 2.3. Could it finally be fixed…

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It looks like 2.4 hopefully has (another) fix for this:

Hope to see some reports here, when 2.4 is getting released.

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Same problem on my FP5, initially flashed in /e/OS 2.1, today in version 2.3, honestly the phenomenon is getting worse. I’ve noticed, as have others, that the restart often occurs when entering text, but also when an application needs to be updated in App Lounge (anonymous profile).

As for the keyboard, it’s a calamity! Even when I deactivate the spelling checker, it continues to make bogus corrections, automatically deleting the space between the last two words when I correct the last word. This is clearly a major weakness of /e/OS compared to the iOS spellchecker :frowning_face:

Hopefully they’ll sort it with 2.4 (ideally without scrapping 90hz).

Side note: anyone who has ever experienced a random reboot to fastboot (bootloader) please add a comment here: Fairphone 5 hard reboots to bootloader (fastboot) (#8284) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab

Fastboot/bootloader is a screen with just text on it and a big green “START” banner at the top.

2.4.1 has been release since about two weeks:

In this topic I have not found any reports about random reboots on the FP5.

But in the 2.4 notes:

Is this fixed now for real?

Hi Elrond,

I use FP5 as my daily driver and haven’t noticed any random reboots anymore! So I’m nog 100% sure bit I think it’s finally fixed. And so happy about it!

Hope this helps, cheers!


I’m on 2.4.1 with FP5 and what I see is that random “reboot” is gone as it happened before.
Beside that it happens sometimes (once/twice a week) that if you want to unlock the phone with fingerprint you are forced to use the pin instead of fingerprint…

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I can confirm that the reboots seem gone. I had often several reboots a day before 2.4.1. Now I have not had one since the update. So looks very promising to me.

And if you look for other reasons to use FP5 with e/os 2.4.1. It seems that the charging has improved quite a lot. It looks faster to me than before and the phone stays pretty cold during charging. Compared to my old One 9T which got unbelievably hot it is really a refrigerator :wink:

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Yes, I can confirm. This happens too on my FP5 with e/os/ 4.2.1. Also once or twice a week.

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