I was very happy about a successful /e/ installation with image “e-0.9-n-2020051554230-dev-zerofltexx.zip” ! Everything was working fine. But always when the backlight turned of, the S6 rebooted permanently and the notification LED was always on in pink. I thought, this was caused by the battery, because the capacity went down from 100% to 30% in 5 minutes after disconnection of power supply. So I decided to exchange the battery. Yesterday the operation “Battery change” was successfully done. But the issue was the same. Capacity is now okay, but permanent reboots after switching the backlight of.
In the forum I found the hint about problems with “e-0.9” and reboots. So I installed “e-0.7”. Now I found another problem. It’s impossible to install apps. If i try to install, I get the message “Something went wrong! Please try again later”. This happens with all apps I tried to install. I think, this happens, because the Account Manager keeps stopping. Every 5 minutes appears a notification about Account Manager stopping. Network (WLAN) is okay. Internet connection is working.
For me my S6 is not usable. I installed /e/, because I searched for a degoogled OS and wanted to test it. If tests are successful I want to install it on my new Fairphone 3.
Does a Samsung Guru have a solution ?
Yesterday I did a “adb logcat”-record during some reboots. Maybe it can support the investigations. If someone is interested, I can send it.
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services