How can I reboot back to normal Samsung?

Hey so I manually installed e Os on my Samsung S8+ but since I recognise problems with GPS and banking apps that refuse to acknowledge rooted devices I want to change back. There are just a few inconvenient things, thats why.

I know when you press the home button and press on restart you can choose to press on bootloader but I think I deleted the original Android version because I thought I wouldnt need it anymore.

Is there an option to switch back?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Hi, @abdulrahimhelmand

You need a PC, to restore Samsung/gogol System.
are you using Linux, MacOS or Windows ?

Even if there are workaround for GPS and Banking apps

I am using Windows.

I’m interested in the workarounds, what are they? But I want to change back to Samsung because I am epxeriencing GPS problems and I want to see if the OS is the problem.

My knowledge is more about hidding the custom OS to banking apps

About GPS, absence of gogol play service make things harder
Try to get solutions following Search results for 'Gps @aibd order:latest' - /e/ community

What is the exact nature of your GPS problem?

Bank apps usually work as webapps, that is go to the bank website in your browser and save it to your home screen :blush:


Whenever I use any GPS service it either tells me, that GPS is not working and that it cant be found or it doesn’t tell me the right position of where I am and it also doesn’t allow me to do live GPS for example my GPS change when I’m moving from A to B.

Okay then how can you hide the custom OS?

Also, when I install the samsung firmware am I being able to switch between both OS’ once installed?

Yes using two sets of TWRP backup/restore

Du you have advanced privacy enabled? :blush:

I just installed the new Samsung firmware through samfw and Odin3.
It went fast, but now I forgot to create a backup and lost all of my data woops.
Wasn’t that important but still sucks.
How can I install the e OS again and being able to switch between both, without
a complete data cleanse every time?

I haven’t checked that, but now that I have the original samsung OS it works again.

Well, now I have the problem of not being able to install apps through the google play store anymore.


[HOWTO] Install /e/ on a Samsung smartphone with Windows easily

My personal hint is to not unselect auto-reboot, and just press “volume up” during the flash of the custom recovery manager

By using two sets of TWRP backup/restore…

But you can keep internal storage by not format /data, but only wipe /data.

Do you need to connect to the gogol play store using your gogol account ?

If you prefer,
You can anonymously use AuroraStore from F-Droid…

It was the purpose of