A key fact is that /e/ is based on LineageOS. For any device, if there is an official Lineage OS build, then making an /e/ build is relatively easy. My understanding is that /e/ will only consider supporting devices for which an official LineageOS 17.1 (Android 10, Q) build is available. It is also very easy for anyone to build their own unofficial release if /e/ have not done so yet.
If there is an unofficial Lineage OS build (17.1 Q, 16 Pie, or 15 Oreo), then it is also fairly straightforward to make an unofficial /e/ build, but /e/ are unlikely to make an official build.
Unfortunately, I can’t find any Lineage OS builds for this device, so I would say there is no chance of an official /e/ build, and very little chance of an unofficial build.
A quick internet search turns up the following article
which suggests that the only way currently to get Lineage or /e/ on this device is to use what is known as a Generic System Image (GSI). Essentially, GSIs are intended to run on any* device. In practice, in my experience, this means that on some devices GSIs run very well, on other devices they run less well, and on some devices they don’t run at all.
A few members of the forum have attempted to make /e/ GSIs - the latest, which seems to have a few happy users, can be found in this thread. I tried to install an /e/ GSI on my Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, but I couldn’t get it to run - see here and here for a painful account of my experiences 
So I think that a GSI would be the only way of getting /e/ running on your phone. If you want to do that, I would suggest that you start by installing the “pure Android” AOSP GSI, as described in the article linked above. If that works, then I would try the /e/ GSI from this forum thread
I don’t recommend starting with the /e/ GSI: I tried that, and spent a lot of time hassling the guy who built it, only to discover that my phone wouldn’t run any Android 10 GSI. So try the AOSP GSI first 
Sorry to go on for so long, but I hope this helps and gives you somewhere to start. Good luck!
Actually, any device which has Treble support - it seems this device does have it so a GSI should run