I am unable to upgrade my cloud storeage. Help needed

I am running out of space in my corrent cloud plan, so I want to upgrade. It took me a while to resolve a strange loop that kept telling me to sing in, but then denied my login, because a plan for this cloud account has already been bought with an existing shop account…, after which none of my existing accounts seemed to work. After resetting the password to my Nurema Shop account, that error-message did not appear anymore.

However, now, I am unable to add any cloud plan to my basket. Thee basket is immeditely emptied…

Please help, I really want to upgrade my cloud storage…

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I decided to selfhost, works well so far. Let me know if you need any help setting up own e cloud

Thank you, but no. Your’e also off topic

It might be best to email helpdesk@e.email.

This post seems to refer to known difficulties Murena.io subscription not recognized - no syncing since more than a month.

Not really. While I had the strange loop as well when upgrading my subscription, it finally worked for a while.

Then suddenly my storage was shown as 1 GB and all my devices stopped syncing.

Hello !
I have the same problem, I want to move to a 64 GB space, but impossible since a week with the message " * Murena cloud subscription has been removed from your basket because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance."
I have been contacting customer service for several days, but nothing is happening and my new phone can’t sync…Murena really needs to improve on this point to keep a serious image and a real alternative to Google.

Hi, wanted to check if you tried to contact on helpdesk@e.email ?

hello Manoj,
yes, i’m in touch with Camille (helpdesk@murena.com)

Let me check with the helpdesk team regarding this. I shall DM you in case any more details are required.

Hi! This problem is fixed now. It seems a change in the logic of the e-commerce system after updating to the latest version.

Thank you,

After logging in, I found the 64Gb plan in my basket and was able to complete the purchase.

Thanks for the support!


The problem still exists.

I am a German customer and when I log in, and return to the shop it changes to the French version and I’m not logged in. When I want to log in, it returns to the German version and I’m still logged in. Back on the cloud plans I couldn’t chose one because I was on the French website without a login.

Changing the language version for the cloud plans manually did solve the problem.

Best wishes Johannes

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