I just received my fairphone 4 today and want to install the e/ system on it. But I’m facing some issue before even begining, so in order to not do something wrong, I prefer be sure of everything before begining the installation.
Ok, so first thing, I’m French. I do speak English very well but sometimes, technicals things can be hard to graspe.
My first issue in the installation is that I’m on AppleBook, so stape " Installing adb and fastboot" is a problem, there is only for Windows or Linus… So, anyone know what app I can used on MAC, or how to do that step on MAC?
In the last step on the installation page, they say “Flash /e/ with the following commands” and I don’t understand what this mean. I download the .zip and unzip it, so I see .img inside, but I don’t know what I will supposed to do with that when I will make all the other steps cause I don’t understand the meaning of the sentence.
Thanks. I download it but it’s exactly like the zip I already download in the last step. I’ve got a folder with some things in it but not shure what I’m supposed to do with them…
But, I just find on my computer some things I have used few years ago to root my fairphone 2 and install a google free system. And I think I understand better and some memories came back to me from that time I did it on my fairphone 2. I have a doc with different commands for the terminal a such as “./adb reboot bootloader” and "./fastboot flash boot /Users/ /Desktop/boot-fairphone-FP2-gms-17.10.2-su-eng-r318.img " I think I have to inspire myself to that to do the same with my fairphone 4. Am I correct?
Thanks. That doesn’t help me at all to understand what I’m supposed to do to install e/ system on my fairphone 4. But probably I didn’t explain myself well enought.
I really think I can adapt the command I have for the fairphone 2, I just hope I’m not wrong. Those commands are, if someone can confirm:
iMac-de-Audrey:~ audrey$ cd /Users/audrey/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
So I am currently in the middle of the thing, but I try several times and each time, at the same step, it doesn’t work. Everything is good until:
" Installing /e/
Installing /e/ using IMG or image file
Boot your FP4 in bootloader mode, and plug it to your computer
That is ok. But, then I drag the unzip file (IMG-e-0.21-r-20220123158735-stable-FP4) on the terminal, the terminal say “:is a directory” but when I try to put the commands like “fastboot flash bluetooth_a bluetooth.img” the terminal says “-bash: fastboot: command not found”
I tried with all the commands at once or with one command at a time, and the result is the same: it doesn’t work. The phone is in this screen:
And all the step before where a succes. Even I had to do it in 2 times, cause the phone restart in the middle, like new; I had to pass all the “welcome steps” of a google android and re-do the developer steps and allow USB-delocker. Thanks for your help