Installation failed with Easy installer - Error: E: Timout waiting for messages from minadbd

I went through the installation process with easy-installer for Samsung Galaxy S9. Everything worked well except the final step of installation:
Apply update → Apply from ADB: I got this message in the protocol window on the smartphone:

Now send the package you want to apply
to the device with "adb sideload <filename>"...
E: Timout waiting for messages from minadbd

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

It might be worth checking the Easy Installer log

as you already have successully installed the “custom-recovery-manager”,

you can install “adb” on your computeur,
and go direct to the last step (8) or (8) in the guide :

Thank you very much. I am using an Arch Linux system. Could you please tell me the name of the log file?

Based on my further analysis, I believe that the download of the image was not successful, even though I tried to do a complete reinstall several times. On my last attempt today, I even waited 5 hours (!) for the download to complete. But it never really confirmed that the download was complete on the phone.

Did you already open the link ?

The installer creates a log file with a randomly generated name … what is the output of

ls ~/snap/easy-installer/common/

like I wrote I am not using ubuntu with snap but Archlinux with AUR packages. I have found the path where the .log files are located


Here some part of the logfile:

2024-05-05 13:25:06,816 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:25:06,818 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-05-05 13:25:06,819 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:25:06,819 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-05-05 13:25:07,135 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = , error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:25:07,139 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {device_id=1c61363f0d057ece, adb_folder_path=/opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/}
2024-05-05 13:25:07,139 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/scripts/, 1c61363f0d057ece, /opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/]
2024-05-05 13:25:07,143 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery
2024-05-05 18:41:21,837 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:41:22,731 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:42,924 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:43,327 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:43,328 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = install_instr_e_recovery_factory_reset_format_data_validate.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 18:42:43,718 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:44,575 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:45,079 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:45,087 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction
2024-05-05 23:19:35,904 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] stage is closing
2024-05-05 23:19:35,909 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] onStop()
2024-05-05 23:19:35,910 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] CustomExecutableController.stop()
2024-05-05 23:19:35,911 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] cancelled()

Maybe you noticed the two errors
error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
but actually similar appears in mostly every log.

Otherwise that extract tells us that the script generates only

  (debug)waiting for recovery

then hangs.

The progress of the download and its checksum verification should be recorded on the log.

No, this is unfortunately the case.

There are some open issues with Easy Installer[]=Easy-installer.

A full log might show why you are in this situation.

I believe the script is used shortly after the user is asked to boot the phone into the Custom recovery. There is a bit of a technique to this described here

Did you see the Custom recovery / TWRP on your device?

1 Like

I will do a new try for installation. First of all I want to do a Hard reset before starting a new installation routine. Which key combination do I need?

How long should it take maximum with a normal wireless connection to complete the download?

Here it the complete log which may show if the download was complete at least or not?

2024-05-05 13:15:04,316 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] 
OS name = Linux
Java Home = /opt/easy-installer
Current working dir = /home/user
ADB folder path = /opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/
2024-05-05 13:15:04,391 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] language = de, country = DE 
2024-05-05 13:15:04,474 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] initialize()
2024-05-05 13:15:04,477 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(null)
2024-05-05 13:15:04,549 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] Detected screen's size = 3320.0 x 1440.0
stage's size = 1440.0 x 1024.0
2024-05-05 13:15:07,746 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(beforeYouBeginRoot)
2024-05-05 13:15:07,747 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:15:14,792 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(connectDeviceRoot)
2024-05-05 13:15:14,793 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:18:20,987 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB10.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:18:23,454 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB11.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:18:24,017 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-05-05 13:18:24,019 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB12.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:18:24,377 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(enableDevMode)
2024-05-05 13:18:24,378 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:18:24,697 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-05-05 13:18:24,700 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-05-05 13:18:24,705 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-05-05 13:18:24,705 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-05-05 13:18:24,711 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:18:24,712 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs =  
2024-05-05 13:18:24,712 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Waiting
2024-05-05 13:18:26,963 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-05-05 13:18:26,965 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-05-05 13:18:26,966 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-05-05 13:18:26,967 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-05-05 13:18:26,972 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-05-05 13:18:26,974 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:18:26,974 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-05-05 13:18:26,974 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-05-05 13:18:29,225 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-05-05 13:18:29,227 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-05-05 13:18:29,228 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-05-05 13:18:29,229 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-05-05 13:18:29,233 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-05-05 13:18:29,233 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)1c61363f0d057ece       device usb:1-1 product:starltexx model:SM_G960F device:starlte transport_id:18
2024-05-05 13:18:29,234 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:18:29,235 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached

1c61363f0d057ece       device usb:1-1 product:starltexx model:SM_G960F device:starlte transport_id:18 
2024-05-05 13:18:29,235 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] checkAdbDevicesResult(1c61363f0d057ece       device usb:1-1 product:starltexx model:SM_G960F device:starlte transport_id:18)
2024-05-05 13:18:29,235 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Device has been found
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : 1c61363f0d057ece
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : device
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : usb:1-1
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : product:starltexx
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "product" keyword has been found
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : model:SM_G960F
2024-05-05 13:18:29,236 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "model" keyword has been found
2024-05-05 13:18:29,237 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : device:starlte
2024-05-05 13:18:29,237 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "device" keyword has been found
2024-05-05 13:18:29,237 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : transport_id:18
2024-05-05 13:18:29,237 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] call(), result: Device found
2024-05-05 13:18:29,239 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.h.DeviceHelper [null:-1] loadYaml(/yaml/starlte_flash.yml)
2024-05-05 13:18:29,272 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseSteps(yaml)
2024-05-05 13:18:29,272 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom
2024-05-05 13:18:29,272 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseCustomStep(yaml)
2024-05-05 13:18:29,273 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom-executable
2024-05-05 13:18:29,274 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:load
2024-05-05 13:18:29,274 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom-executable
2024-05-05 13:18:29,274 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:load
2024-05-05 13:18:29,275 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:askAccount
2024-05-05 13:18:29,275 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom
2024-05-05 13:18:29,275 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseCustomStep(yaml)
2024-05-05 13:19:35,991 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(deviceDetectedRoot)
2024-05-05 13:19:35,992 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:19:36,308 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.h.DeviceHelper [null:-1] loadYaml(/yaml/starlte_fs.yml)
2024-05-05 13:19:36,310 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseSourcesToDownload(...yaml...)
2024-05-05 13:19:36,310 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --> url:, filePath:
2024-05-05 13:19:36,311 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --> url:, filePath: recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img
2024-05-05 13:19:36,311 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-05-05 13:19:36,312 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} true
2024-05-05 13:19:36,315 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] bindProgressUIToService()
2024-05-05 13:19:36,315 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.createTask(,
2024-05-05 13:19:36,322 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] downloadFile(, /tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/
2024-05-05 13:19:36,375 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] local file exist, size is 89
2024-05-05 13:19:36,379 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] last modified date = Sat May 04 18:03:50 CEST 2024
2024-05-05 13:19:36,637 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] response code: 200, OK
2024-05-05 13:19:36,646 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] remote fileSize = 89.0
2024-05-05 13:19:36,646 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] full file size = 89.0
2024-05-05 13:19:36,648 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] validChecksum(/tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/
2024-05-05 13:19:36,650 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e
2024-05-05 13:19:36,651 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] createFileChecksum()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,908 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e vs f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} true
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] bindProgressUIToService()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.createTask(,recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img)
2024-05-05 13:19:37,910 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] downloadFile(, /tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img.sha256sum)
2024-05-05 13:19:37,911 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] local file exist, size is 98
2024-05-05 13:19:37,911 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] last modified date = Sat May 04 18:03:51 CEST 2024
2024-05-05 13:19:37,946 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] response code: 200, OK
2024-05-05 13:19:37,948 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] remote fileSize = 98.0
2024-05-05 13:19:37,948 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] full file size = 98.0
2024-05-05 13:19:37,950 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] validChecksum(/tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img.sha256sum)
2024-05-05 13:19:37,951 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a  recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img
2024-05-05 13:19:37,951 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] createFileChecksum()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,995 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a vs edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a
2024-05-05 13:19:37,996 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,996 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-05-05 13:19:37,996 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} false
2024-05-05 13:19:37,996 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] onDownloadsComplete()
2024-05-05 13:19:46,648 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] timeoutThread is over!
2024-05-05 13:19:47,950 DEBUG [Thread-9] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] timeoutThread is over!
2024-05-05 13:19:48,293 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(downloadSceneRoot)
2024-05-05 13:19:48,296 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:19:48,618 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomStepController [null:-1] initialize customStep controller
2024-05-05 13:21:23,850 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-05-05 13:21:23,852 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:21:23,853 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-05-05 13:21:24,165 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = , error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:21:24,169 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {heimdall_folder_path=/opt/easy-installer/bin/}
2024-05-05 13:21:24,170 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/scripts/, /opt/easy-installer/bin/]
2024-05-05 13:21:24,173 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall path: /opt/easy-installer/bin/heimdall
2024-05-05 13:22:52,390 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 13:22:54,027 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 13:25:00,898 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Download mode detected
2024-05-05 13:25:00,902 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:25:00,903 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-05-05 13:25:00,904 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:25:00,904 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-05-05 13:25:01,223 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {twrp_image_path=/tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img, heimdall_folder_path=/opt/easy-installer/bin/}
2024-05-05 13:25:01,223 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/scripts/, /tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img, /opt/easy-installer/bin/]
2024-05-05 13:25:01,227 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall path: /opt/easy-installer/bin/heimdall
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall v1.4.2
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
2024-05-05 13:25:01,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)development please consider donating:
2024-05-05 13:25:01,230 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-05-05 13:25:02,229 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Initialising connection...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,242 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Detecting device...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,242 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Claiming interface...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,242 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Setting up interface...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,242 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Initialising protocol...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,242 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Protocol initialisation successful.
2024-05-05 13:25:02,243 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Beginning session...
2024-05-05 13:25:02,261 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
2024-05-05 13:25:02,262 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Please be patient!
2024-05-05 13:25:05,262 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Session begun.
2024-05-05 13:25:05,262 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Downloading device's PIT file...
2024-05-05 13:25:05,366 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)PIT file download successful.
2024-05-05 13:25:05,367 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Uploading RECOVERY
2024-05-05 13:25:06,355 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-05-05 13:25:06,355 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)RECOVERY upload successful
2024-05-05 13:25:06,356 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Ending session...
2024-05-05 13:25:06,814 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Releasing device interface...
2024-05-05 13:25:06,816 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-05-05 13:25:06,818 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-05-05 13:25:06,819 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-05-05 13:25:06,819 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-05-05 13:25:07,135 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = , error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 13:25:07,139 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {device_id=1c61363f0d057ece, adb_folder_path=/opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/}
2024-05-05 13:25:07,139 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/scripts/, 1c61363f0d057ece, /opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/]
2024-05-05 13:25:07,143 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery
2024-05-05 18:41:21,837 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:41:22,731 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:42,924 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:43,327 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:43,328 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = install_instr_e_recovery_factory_reset_format_data_validate.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-05-05 18:42:43,718 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:44,575 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:45,079 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-05-05 18:42:45,087 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction
2024-05-05 23:19:35,904 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] stage is closing
2024-05-05 23:19:35,909 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] onStop()
2024-05-05 23:19:35,910 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] CustomExecutableController.stop()
2024-05-05 23:19:35,911 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] cancelled()

If you had equipment which usually managed 3 - 4 GB / hour or better, then a 1+ GB download would be 20 minutes … so this is my expectation … but I believe the downloads are in place already.

  • When you run Easy Installer over again, we expect Easy Installer to check all is in place, and will pick up where it left off.

The full log is much more helpful, thank you, the highlights …

... are below
List of devices attached
1c61363f0d057ece       device usb:1-1 product:starltexx model:SM_G960F device:starlte transport_id:18 
2024-05-05 13:18:29,237 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] call(), result: Device found

2024-05-05 13:19:36,650 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e
2024-05-05 13:19:37,908 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e vs f776c81bfcb4021f1ee2200a1be4366b665d2af834332604d4e2910b6b8f8c5e
2024-05-05 13:19:37,909 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()

2024-05-05 13:19:37,910 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] downloadFile(, /tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img.sha256sum)
2024-05-05 13:19:37,950 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] validChecksum(/tmp/easy-installer/sources/starlte/recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img.sha256sum)
2024-05-05 13:19:37,951 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a  recovery-e-latest-r-starlte.img
2024-05-05 13:19:37,995 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a vs edfb73698eb5f152473aa3a63c10211c08cece68300f3ae4aea8825a4c9f079a
2024-05-05 13:19:37,996 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()

  (debug)Download mode detected
  (debug)Heimdall path: /opt/easy-installer/bin/heimdall
  (debug)PIT file download successful.

  (debug)Uploading RECOVERY
  (debug)0% --- 100%
  (debug)RECOVERY upload successful
  (debug)Ending session...
  (debug)Releasing device interface...

2024-05-05 13:25:07,139 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/opt/easy-installer/bin/scripts/, 1c61363f0d057ece, /opt/easy-installer/bin/adb/]
2024-05-05 13:25:07,143 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery

I treat this as a “hang” as there is nothing for 5 hours!

2024-05-05 18:41:21,837 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked

Maybe I included too much … but note that every edited section ends with success, until “waiting for recovery”.

I would say that this is all good (probably), except TWRP failed to boot.

I don’t think you can Factory reset from buttons, you could attempt this from Android recovery (perhaps) or from booting to system. I doubt it is actually necessary [1]; perhaps the way to see your options is to ask:

  • Did Easy Installer show a screen asking you to “now boot into custom recovery” or so.
  • Did you see the Custom recovery / TWRP on your device? – Essential
  • or do you see Android recovery … is it working?

If you never saw the Custom recovery / TWRP then just try again taking care with the “button press technique” of "Your first boot into the custom recovery”

[1] Edit, to express the Hard reset idea differently … if the phone boots into Android system as if nothing had happened to it … then Factory reset is fine. If the phone is is some unknown state then it may be a less good idea.

Edit 2 On reflection, my analysis does not account for what looks like a freeze or hang after is run. Note: I do not know the state of the phone – it is possible that the error is coming from the non-compatible Android recovery.

We see (debug)waiting for recovery but I think we usually see that Easy Installer continues to log that it is “on standby” and we continues to see repeated (debug)waiting for recovery as the timestamp moves forward.

Maybe a connection with the OP error seen on device.

E: Timout waiting for messages from minadbd

I never studied minadbd before, maybe is involved.

With your solution I could solve the problem. Thank you very much!!

The next crucial step is for installing the image that has already been downloaded to the smartphone:
Press the buttons together: “On/Power”, “Home/Bixbie” (bottom left button) and “Volume down” until the device is switched off. A black screen appears. Then switch IMMEDIATELY (!!!) from the “Volume down” button to the “Volume up” button. Be sure to keep the “On/Power” and “Home/Bixbie” buttons (bottom left button) pressed(!!!)

The description should be also changed in the Easy-Installer to become really easier. :blush:


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