I intend to organize a meetup in München, if there are some people who want to participate.
Please reply or send a PM to me if you are interested.
We can determine date and time later.
Just a small update in case you want to speak or ask questions about /e/ to Gaël please let us know in advance. We can organize a video web conference based on his availability and the time of your meetup.
Been to some, but never organised one. It can be anything really, from a formal presentation + discussion panel to just some socialising. It anyway should have a focused topic.
Maybe we can start to collect our interests here, to find what inspires the most of us. Out of my head I can think of 3 main areas:
digital privacy: sharing setup + usage experience for a privacy oriented (but still usable) phone / pc / gadget xyz (think: ereader, smartwatch) system
technical: building /e/ for yet unsupported devices
spread the idea: what is missing to give an /e/ phone to your mom or dad
For me a hackaton-type of meeting where we try to build /e/ for a new device would probably the biggest draw. Might be too much for such a meeting however, what do you think?
I agree. The theory seems simple (for those who already have the necessary background knowledge), but to succeed it needs more. Especially when you’re at the beginning of your “arts”.
Hello @ff2u,
If you show this at a meeting in Munich I’ll of course contribute to the costs and buy you extra coffees. I would be happy to meet you personally.
I can read, so I can follow the tutorial of @Unknown. But having seen it live once will bring the aha effect. That Docker runs for several hours depending on the server hardware, @ Unkown has already hinted at and gave his hard recommendation. For practicing a few Euro are well invested money.
@ff2u thanks!
I am happy to provide a virtual server (such as a Hetzner cloud server) to test this. With a large enough machine it runs quite fast (I did this a couple of times in the past following the mentioned tutorial).
For me, understanding (a) what the different steps actually do and (b) where one could tweak things (such as adding/removing default apps) would be the key point of the exercise.
My final goal is to understand how devices that have only unoffical lineageos builds could be build for /e/ ( it can’t be that hard). That is out of scope for such a meeting, but understanding the whole process better will certainly help.
What’s fast in numbers? With an 8 CPU environment the whole process took nearly 2 hours for me…
What level of details are you referring?
Yes, I agree, that’s probably out of scope (although it would also be interesting for me…). I assume it can’t be done using the docker method…
What I could still show someone who’s interested (but I suppose for @Ralf it would be nothing new and - sure - it’s all written in the according posts. So the only difference would be hands on experience.):
I like the idea of users getting together to learn how to build /e/ …you can find some helpful posts on the subject here
The Docker way of building is really simple - not very flexible but if you have a device which is already supported by LineageOS then building a ROM for /e/ is easy. It looks daunting the first couple of time.
I am sure @Unknown - who has made at least a 100 docker builds for different devices , will definitely agree. Our non docker champion builders @harvey186 , @andrelam , @Chimpthepimp all have posted excellent topics on the forum which you can check out to learn more.
So what do you think about following @Manoj’s idea and begin at least a tie up between /e/ and FP on a community level? We could meet together with some Fairphoners on the Fairphone Meetup on January-27. People with other devices are also very welcome. I’d even given an /e/ presentation there some time ago.
What do you think?