Memory-Map for All and /e/os v1.12.3

Following various reports in the v1.12.3 feedback thread (Feedback for v1.12.3) of location related apps failure (due to microG 0.2.28) I’m wondering if anyone is successfully using Memory-Map for All (com.memorymap.mmfa) with v1.12.3.

I’m reluctant at the moment to update to 1.12.3 and risk losing the use of this app.

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I just installed Memory-Map for All on e-1.12.3-q-xxx.

Taking the phone outdoors, I saw a very close to exact location in 4 minutes. I am not certain if the app uses “pure gps”, but that is my impression.

I hope to write a fairly positive review of location on e-1.12.3-q in UK in a few days, but I am drawn to report that (as in earlier microG versions) the dynamic location when one is actually going somewhere is accurate. I have seen “holes” in the “Network location”, I believe only when the device is stationary and has insufficient information to determine an accurate answer. I am using the app My Location to collect data.

In the case of OpenTracks which does use “pure gps” it is clear that the change to e-1.12.3-q had zero effect.

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Thank you!

Memory-Map for All is the main map based app I use for general map reading, and the only one where I actually make use of location, and so it’s great to know it’s working for you.

The other map apps I use (including Magic Earth, OsmAnd~, Organic Maps, Vespucci) are not so critical for me and I could live without these working for a short time if necessary.

It sounds like your planned review is just what’s needed in the light of the reported issues, I look forward to reading it.

Update. I’ve now updated to v1.12.3 stable and confirm that Memory-Map for All is working fine for me.

I’m not totally clear I’ve understood the meaning of ‘pure GPS’ but have noted that just after turning on Location a local cell tower is shown for a few seconds before my true location is shown.

As an aside all the other apps I mentioned above also seem to be working as expected.

Pleased to hear it works ! By “pure gps” I was referring to the type of app where “Network location” is unused – the app totally relies on GPS and requires no internet connection or any other form of triangulation or “Network location”

I now see from the manual

…the application it prompts you to enable the device’s Location service, which is used to identify the best available free basemap for where you are.

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