Murena Cloud : can not open online documents (onlyoffice) > DL instead


Today, I just open firefox, go to the cloud
And when I clic on a file, it directly dowload it.
I can not open it through openoffice editor.
I have no more the button +new file > word, excel, etc.

I’m sharing a folder and my mates face the same issue.
Have you got the same problem?
Is there a hotfix schedule, maintenance today?


I got the same issue again :wink:

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Are you facing the issue now? I checked and was able to access the documents without downloading.

Fixed for me now. @Manoj do you know why this happens?

All good now.


@Manoj Could you help me on this please ? :pray: :man_bowing: :innocent:

Pl send a mail to the Share the email ID that you are having issues with. The infra team members will be able to help you on this. Do not pass on any personal information on this thread as this is visible to all users.

This was due to an issue with the database clusters, which was resolved.

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I did few days ago but no feedback

Hi @Cameleopard I have asked them to pass on the mail to the infra team to check your cloud account if there are any issues. The infra team members will contact you on your helpdesk ticket for any further information.

Thanks a lot Manoj!

For information, I’ve got no contact from helpdesk
This is the good site: ?

Hi @Cameleopard I saw the ticket. Not sure why it has not been responded to. Have sent the team members a DM to check and respond ASAP.
You should get a response in a day.

I have the same issue right now.

Have asked the team to check and resolve.

Update: It should be working now. You should be able to open documents in OnlyOffice

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Perfect. Thank’s a lot.

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