Can’t seem to find this anywhere, but my simple question - are Fairphones from Muerna bootlocked?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services
Can’t seem to find this anywhere, but my simple question - are Fairphones from Muerna bootlocked?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services
Answering my own question with another question Is the answer yes becasue of this from the Muerna website:
Bootloader locked- Yes
You can check your own device as illustrated in a thread with a completely different title.
With all three Fairphones [ Buy from murena ] the bootloader can be locked again after installing /e/OS - but it doesn’t have to be!
Whether the bootloader is locked or unlocked can also be checked via fastboot:
Thanks for the replies! Should have been more specific - is it bootlocked when I buy it with /e/os pre-installed? I have no desire to install an OS myself on the phone, but I don’t want anyone else to either
Presumably the bootloader is locked again, but - you will only know for sure if you have checked it yourself, because mistakes also occur with Murn/e/a as illustrated here … Teracube 2e not de-googled
Mine came from murena with preinstalled e-os in early 2022 and stayed locked through official ota updates and upgrades.
Thanks! That’s what I want.