Music streaming : are they all tracking us?

Me too but the current fashion among manufacturers is to make devices without a sd card slot (and headphone jacks and non-removable batteries and other things to make the blood boil :angry:)


But you have an internal SD :wink:

Yes, I have a 16GB internal sd and circa 100GB of FLAC files. It’s fine with my current phone but whenever it needs replacing it might be impossible to just stick the sd card in the new phone and I might not be able to afford one with sufficient internal storage. Music from compressed files is not an option.


  • 0 trackers
  • decentralized (part of the fediverse)
  • free software
  • free music

for me it’s a meaningful option.
I think the music can be compressed. I don’t know if there is (I don’t think) a smartphone-headphone system that has a high fidelity audio quality (like a home system) so a FLAC “sounds” better than an excellent MP3 (>160, 192 kbit/s) or Ogg vorbis (i think the best FOSS) or AAC (and maybe using the Joint Stereo to save more space). It’s a compromise between quality and portability.

and above all, it’s a viable option if space isn’t infinite. In reality everything is an option/compromise, it is always a matter of optimizing.

How about some kind of front end for their web-players? I mean, all the most popular streaming services could play music right in the web browser.

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Link is broken :frowning:
Thanks for the link, this seems interesting !
A mobile app will be very please for offline music.

Yes, one of my situations!!!
If you can’t afford much storage, check out 128 gb Pocophone!!!

How is Blocada compare to AdAway?

Blokada doesn’t need root access. AdAway does, so I’ve never tested it.

Yes, I did little research. Blokada dues not need root. In my case I prefer more AdAway because I don’t need per app setting and I don’t like another application to run in the background and waste resources.

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Blokada uses VPN settings which is why it does not require root. The downside is that you can’t use it and connect to a real VPN simultaneously. For this reason (and because I’m more comfortable having a rooted phone anyway) I use Adaway. Both work well however, so you pay or money (or not :wink:) and you take your choice.

@Vaughan which is free and which isn’t? Thanks!

They’re both GPL 3.0 and available in F-Droid.

Sorry for my ignorance, but what’s this?

GPL == GNU General Public License
This means Free Software (as in freedom, maybe but not necessarily as in beer.)

Thank you for the explanation! That makes sense. I definitely don’t mind paying a little, if it’s a GPL app. Are either of the apps free, as in free beer? If so, which ones?

They are both free as in beer and are available from F-Droid.

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Earlier, I suggested the idea to use web-players to access popular streaming services without their apps installed. Now I have tested this concept with WebApps and using Deezer as a benchmark, and I can say that it works.

To achieve this result, I inserted custom desktop user-agent string and allowed access to goo9Ie domain during login to pass the captcha, but then I was able to successfully disable all third-party web resources.

However, I cannot propose this method for everyday use because of the very inconvenient desktop-aimed UI rendering. But this is a good proof-of-concept, which can be expanded to the proper open-source client-app.

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Yesterday, I found an app with the right design, and although it doesn’t work properly, it’s still a step towards our goal.

It’s called Blade, and it is available at the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repo. It supports Spotify and Deezer, and although I couldn’t get it to play music, it could still connect to my Spotify collection successfully.

Maybe Blade just needs a little help with development and promotion?