I just installed eOS on my Samsung S9 through the easy installer.
Unfortunately, I am unable to connect to mobile data, therefore, I cannot send and receive MMS, email, or browse the internet when I am not connected to Wifi.
I have followed the above instructions, but when I go into “preferred network type” only: LTE, 3G and 2G appear. What has happened to LTE/TDSCDMA/CDMA/EvDo/GSM/WCDMA and the other options? can I fix this?
I don’t think you’ll need to change anything (see at bottom of this post).
If you really want to change your radio band : from this screen, you can use the 3-dot menu to choose another.
Try first with “Automatic”, if it don’t work you could try one of the “Australia” settings …
For network type, on your screenshots it is already LTE for voice & data, so I don’t think you’ll need to change that.
If you want to try something, better start with a “Global/something”, then any setting startting with “LTE”.
Also and most important, your screenshots shows “Data service: Connected”, so your device is ok at network layer level. You can try to confirm with the “Ping test” button (it is okay if IPv6 fails).
I think you may be facing an APN misconfiguration, please check against your operator.
Life saver, i just flashed my Nexus 6 with E and there was no data connection, Canada on the Fido network. Using your code i went into the Phone Info menu and switched Network type to LTE/WCDMA which made Internet work on LTE. Thank you!
I did a search online for correct “APN settings” for my phone carrier and followed the instructions on how to edit them. (lucky there is a reset default settings option ;))
Unfortunately, The new/edited APN setting always disappeared after I saved them. I eventually found out that this was happening, because my “APN enable/disable” option is greyed out, or rather blocked by my phone carrier. Apparently, the carrier does this so ‘novice users cannot edit APN settings without technical support’, hmmm. Big Brother, eh.
I will update this post when I get through to technical support at my telco. Btw, I will also confirm the “preferred network type” they use as well.
FYI, I clicked on the 3 dots at the top, next to ‘phone info’, and went into ‘select radio band’, when I attempted to select ‘Australia’. An error message said the attempt was unsuccessful. I then tried ‘Automatic’ and got the same error message.
Seems like your phone settings are being locked by your network provider, indeed
If they don’t come back with a solution, we could try editing the APN settings file manually (it’s an XML) …
I tried to do a factory reset with the sim card in, a few days ago, and my phone wouldn’t restart, so I connected it to the easy installer and restored eOS that way.
I just took my sim card out and tried another factory reset and eOS reset itself seamlessly?
I have come this far, if there is a manual work around I would like to try. I really enjoy using eOS.
It looks like you have some very special suppliers in your country !
We could try the manual method, but after reading your post I think that the changes may be overridden by your provider “lock” …
Are you aware of and comfortable with TWRP and ADB ?
I spoke to the technical support person assigned my case, today. (He did not receive my replies to his messages, but luckily called me anyway, hence the long delay?)
The technician confirmed that my Telco’s mobile data and my sim card were configured correctly (no errors on the Telco’s side).
The technician said that the problem (greyed out/blocked options) is because eOS has "not applied a patch correctly".
We tried some other tests like: “reset network settings” (reset WiFi, mobile, bluetooth in eOS), but when I tried to do this an error message appeared and I had to close the window: another blocked setting?
The technician’s advice was to update eOS, download a new setup file and reinstall it
I refreshed my updates and my phone was up to date:
Android 8.1.0
31 May 2021
Last checked: 26 July 2021 (1:39 pm)
I will try to reinstall eOS first.
If I still have problems, I would like to try the manual option you are suggesting, smu44. I know the Teamwin Recovery Project (TWRP) screen options and Android Debugging Bridge (ADB). I was in and out to them trying to get eOS installed - maybe, this is why I have these problems, lol? Honestly, I don’t know how I haven’t bricked my phone yet?
Btw the “preferred network type” is LTE only in Australia.
Also the APN settings were not correct, so I do need to edit them to be able to get mobile data.
With french LaPosteMobile (Virtual Phone Operator) my son suddenly lost data acces in may, with a Nokia7+/Android One. No more update since 05/25 one… (end of gg support ?)
No mater to solve issue, with the support (by phone) , new APN creation, config’ step by step OK, then new SIM…
The same SIM card, in a brand new Pixel 4a, works perfectly with a different (default) APN config’.
Stable build of /e/ for S9 are getting stuck at Oreo, that’s a shame
You could try a Q “dev” build, as I read it works fine for some users; but AFAIK it can’t be installed by EasyInstaller, only manually (Install /e/ on a Samsung Galaxy S9 - “starlte”).
However, as @trefix stated, an old Android level should not prevent your device from working properly …
So we should try the manual APN setting, I’ll come back with a tested method ASAP (I hope, later today).
I will wait for your reply and try the manual fix.
I am rereading the manual installation steps now, trying to get a better understanding of everything. I feel confident I will be able to work instructions out…eventually.
Sorry for the late reply, I had to conduct some testings and try to figure out if it will work with Oreo …
I’m pretty confident this will work, and I tried to keep it easy :
take some screenshots of your current settings, just in case …
reboot device to TWRP Recovery, then mount System read-write
from computer, issue a adb pull /system/etc/apns-conf.xml to get the conf file
still on computer, open the file with a good text editor (I used Notepad++)
locate the line of your APN (warning : you may have several lines with the same APN name, but different settings; you’ll have to pick the right one …)
as you wish, either copy the line with a new not-so-fancy APN name, or modify it directly
a. please respect the case ! for example SPN for MNVO is upper-case in Android screen display, but it is lower-case in xml file; take a look a others lines as an example
b. if you need to insert a new parameter, you may want to check others lines for it’s place (order)
c. I found that “protocol” & “roaming_protocol” are useless if using only IPv4
save the file, respecting the Unix format (EOL LF only)
put back the conf file to the phone using adb push apns-conf.xml /system/etc/, unmount System from within TWRP
issue a adb reboot system
once started, go to your existing APN settings, use 3-dot menu, then “Reset…”
(you may have to select your APN in the list) check that APN settings are correct
I’ve found that, sometime, it may help to switch to WiFi, deactivate mobile data, and then deactivate WiFi and activate mobile data
if you have a “user not authorized …” or similar message, your APN conf file may have a syntax error; please post it here by any way you like
if you want to revert to your original file, reboot to TWRP and repeat the steps from 9 to 12 with the backup file
As a side note, you may want to read or backup your running APN settings while in TWRP Recovery, unfortunately it has moved several times with the different Android versions
A good guide is available here : root access - Where are APN configs saved in Android? - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange
For information, for my encrypted Pie testing device it was is /data/user_de/0/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db (SQLite3), I think that for an Oreo device you can find it in /data/data/com.android.settings/shared_prefs/com.android.settings_preferences.xml
(you will have to mount Data partition if not already).
You can try several settings as long as you with, it’s harmless.
Please remember to hit the “Reset…” in 3-dot menu each time you push a new XML file
I installed eOS with the easy installer, because I could not understand the meaning of terms like: 'flashing, ROM, boot, reboot" and how to use command prompts etc. (btw, I’ve worked out, with command prompts you have to be in the admin profile of your PC)
So, here I am, I have eOS installed, but mms and mobile data don’t work. Because I used the TWRP to install eOS via the easy-installer. I felt I had enough understanding to try piero’s option: