OnePlus 6T - update to /e/os 1.19.1?


I have a oneplus 6T /e/oS . i made the last update /e/os 1.18 via OTA.
the /e/os 1.19.1 update has been released in early january.
To date, OTA does not offer this update.
is there a problem with this 1.19.1 update?


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Maybe you have this issue Issues with the Updater and a solution

here’s the precise update :
My Oneplus 6T run /e/os/1.18T (/e/OS 1.18-t-20231210360971-dev-fajita).
There was an update from /e/os/1.16T to /e/os 1.18T by OTA the week before Christmas 2023.

I have a French /e/os system.
Do you have the name of the ‘Updater’ program in French?

After Searching :
I find two programs : ‘Gestionnaire Mise a jour’ et ‘Dynamic System Updates’
I use ‘Clear Storage’ for this two programs. but nothing when press ‘refresh Arrow’


Gestionnaire Mise a jour is the one, org.lineageos.updater Maybe reboot the phone in addition (??) … and perhaps try refresh multiple times … or at a different time of day.

I found two process with org.lineageos.updater :

I use ‘clear Storage’ at this two prog.
reboot my phone and refresh update but nothing.

If I download the file '‘’, can I use it to update without losing my data?
how do I proceed?


Yes, you can do a manual update by adb sideload.

You can follow the procedure from the install page, starting from this point:

Install /e/OS

In /e/OS recovery main screen:

  1. Select Apply Update and in next screen Apply update from adb

Thank you very much.
I’ll follow the update procedure and keep you posted.

Thanks for your help.

Thanx guys! I made this update because my 6T refused to make any updates since 11.2023. The update via adb went smoothly and at first glance everything seems to be ok.

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the update is a success.
everything is correct.

thank you all for your help

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