Plan your whatsapp exit plan now if you haven't already done so

Hmm very nice. That’s good to know. Thank you for that!

I would just like to add my point of view to this threat about the chaining some people feel to apps like whatsapp.
I totally understand that when your relatives (or friends…) are using something like whatsapp is difficult to make them change to another app. Essentially because they have the same problem with other people.
I really encourage you to present them the situation with a proper explanation about why is much more interesting to change to another app.
If we compare communication app with food then we can say something like this (don’t be mad this is just an example and maybe you don’t like): when you are hungry you look for food. If you know something about healthy food you are not going to buy food in MacDonald of burger whatever just because it is full of people, right? With apps (essentially with every commonly used free (talking about money) services) something similar happens. Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, google things, amazon services,… are services of PRIVATE COMPANIES WHICH CREATE SERVICES AND APPS TO GAIN MONEY. If you are not providing them with money, where on earth are they gaining that money?
Have you ever think about the HUGE amount of resources they need to serve their services to thousands of millions of people all around the globe 24x7x365?? Do you think that is for free?
This is much more than I like this app, or I am using this one and I am lazy to change.
This is about your data (and its implications for your life). So much data that it is begin to be called your digital “you”. A digital knowledge about you that surpass what even you know about yourself so far.
What is this related to?
Are you going to ask for a credit? Banks will pay for all that info.
But I could be worse. Are you going to contract a health insurance? We can bet your clauses are going to be made only for your on the basis of your digital information. The one you are not aware what is it, where is it and who is using it for what purposes.
I know is difficult to make people realize about all this. But I encourage you to do your best.
I someone wants more feel free to ask.

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Edward Snowden said good thinks about the Wire messenger app, I read in the french press today. This app is rated 6 in the /e/ app store, just like Signal.

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Unfortunately the android app for Wire requires Google Play Services. Or is there a way to use it on android without it?

I use Wire in my phone with /e/. Without Google f___ing Play Services and it works perfectly. Maybe some times messages last a while before they arrive. But I am using the free account. I don’t know if that problem occurs with the paid version.
I installed it from apps.
Although, my main messaging app is Telegram. I think is adequate to confess that.


@Pablo your description of G** play svcs :laughing::laughing::joy::heart:

I am trying to connect my friends who are using whatsapp and LINE…

FYI, whatsapp and LINE is blocked in China.

Yes, there are a lot of better, more secure messenger on the market, but they all have the same problem: The mainstream is loving and using WhatsApp. They are meaning: ‘I have nothing to regret.’
So if you are using telegram or signal or wire or, or, or you will never reach as much people in your community as with Whatsapp.

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Wire ne demande pas de numéro de téléphone pour s’inscrire et ne fouille pas dans vos carnets de contacts.


Well, not exactly @ehquionest, on Wise, you have the option to provide your email address instead of your phone number, and you also have the option to click No when the app asks if you want to connect your Contacts. It offers you the option, which is nice.

Indeed. For me Wire is the best respectful pricavy app


And how many people in your community are using wire ?

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About 34 contacts. I do some advocacy to change our behaviour. And when people realised I don’t use WhatsApp and they want to contact me, they have no choice to move too :wink:


That’s a good way I was going years ago, because I never used whatsapp til I could isolate it via shelter.
But there where people with which I never get in touch with a messenger, only by SMS or mail

Drugs are drugs anyway. And they are more desirable when you feel alone and far from anyone you love. The true path to fullness is nowhere but inside you. It is hard to find it if you are surrounded of people consuming drugs so happily (in appearance) though you should ask yourself in what kind of world would you like to live and if you are ready to fight for it. :vulcan_salute::pray:

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In real life, it is impossible for me to only use Wire.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible for me to use Wire + Signal.
If I want to keep a social life and a professional connection, I have to stay on Whatsapp as well, and Messenger.

That means, on a daily basis, I can use Wire, Signal, Whatsapp and Messenger to communicate. Becase my circles of friends / contacts are not that much into privacy for now.
For now, because I feel like it’s a duty for me, because I’m more into it, to introduce these circles to new tools, with the same efficiency (service / UX / workflow) but with a privacy side.
Not easy. At all. And I’m sure we are all in this situation regarding regarding privacy tools with our families, friends and team mates.

This is exactly why I’m not sure that it would be a good option for /e/ to avoid spying apps from its app market. I rather make some kind of an educationnal / instructive display in the app about how private this or that app is.

And for Wire, yes, feels like it’s the best option, but just as @harvey186 said : hoiw many of our friends are using it?


@Gregoire That’s the same here, I feel with you. If you tell someone that using Whatsapp is a stupid thing to do, mostly they look at you like you’re mad (because everyone is using it). Also, in general, I realized it’s never a good idea to mention the word privacy if someone is talking about privacy. In fact there are manipulated media campaigns financed by huge corporations to make people guilty/bored about the word “privacy”.

When speaking about Whatsapp, I try to point out things like: “Yeah, everyone is using it, but I don’t like if an app is spying/stealing my data. Oh, didn’t you know it is doing that for profit? Yeah, even Whatsapp co-founder (Brian Acton) donated fifty million US$ to an other messenger app called Signal, after Whatsapp was sold to facebook/Zuckerberg for 19 billion US$, because he knows exactly what a harmful data stealing monster Whatsapp became." Probably the best we can do is make Whatsapp users feel bad about using that app with a remark or two, and make them think what they’re doing.

Atm I prefer Wire too (besides Jami). Sometimes try to point out: “The co-founder of Skype Janus Friis took some experts from old Skype-days to develop a kickass messenger. This is Wire. What they created is better than Skype in every aspect, better call quality, more user friendly, better data protection.”

But mostly, the best thing to say is: “Just install Wire, it does not matter if you have one app more or less. If you won’t like it, you can remove anytime anyway.”

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Nations should step up and make regulations that will decentralise the status quo. Before the internet era, a technology was formed which has been allowing a phone number of any any telecom provider to reach to another, anywhere in the world. Likewise, the SMS and later with internet the email. Email is decentralised , even if your relatives are on gmail , that doesn’t mean you have to be on gmail to communicate with them. The fundamental problem these days with Facebook and WhatsApp is that they are centralised services of a massive user count. I hope on the future this would stop. We should be able to choose our messenger provider without being tightened to a specific vendor. All these issues have simply resulted because technology moves faster than regulatory policies around the world.

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Wire Messaging has been sold to a US Company.

*What about privacy?

In February, Wire quietly raised $8.2 million from Morpheus Ventures and others, we’ve confirmed — the first funding amount it has ever disclosed — and alongside that external financing, it moved its holding company in the same month to the US from Luxembourg, a switch that Wire’s CEO Morten Brogger described in an interview as “simple and pragmatic.”

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Have you seen the discussion here ? Goodbye 'wire', "wire" is dead