Please update microG to support German Corona-Warn-App 1.9.1

Is it me (/my browser) or is there no version older than 1.9… on the f-droid page?

Hmm. The oldest version I’m able to find is:
But the 1.7.1 of CWA works!

On the website, I too can only see the latest two versions. However, in the client for me it goes back to Maybe have a look in the f-droid app itself?

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My f-droid app also provides only the current and two older (1.9…) versions. Looks like we’d have to wait.

Perhaps an F-droid developer read these posts. Now there’s access to version in F-droid.
And it seems to work also.

This is a disaster for non technical users!
For month they had to wait for Exposure Notification to work on /e/ and now it’s not working again.
Some people really want to use those Covid-19 tracing apps. Especially if you’re working in a highly frequented grocery store or similar, it may be the only way to know if you’ve met someone infected and you should keep some extra distance from your beloved ones.

I needed an hour to explain the needed steps to my mom on the phone.
And other non technical users (who may just bought a phone from the /e/ store) will be completely overstrained with this problem.

/e/ is behaving like a professional vendor production ROM in many cases, including no dangerous root access.
Why not behave like vendor ROMs in this case too and deliver fast implementation updates to substitute Google libraries via microG trough the app store?

… something additional just came to my mind.
Wouldn’t it be enough to provide an update for the “microG with contact tracing” app for this matter?

… some thoughts further: Also for installing the “microG with contact tracing” app some help for non technical users would make much sense! A lot of them won’t get the idea to search this forum after they see the error message. So something like displaying a hint is needed when a Covid-19 tracing app can’t access the Exposure Notification API.

Additionally it still might be a good idea to also provide updates for the whole microG via app store. So devices which lost ROM support still get new microG OpenSource implementations to deal with Google requests. Else those device may be placed in a worse position regarding these updates compared to using a Google ROM.


I know that things can wrong in a complex system and updates cannot be provided easily, when quality control is to be adhered to.

What I do find strange though is that the /e/ store still suggests to install Corona-Warn-App version 1.9.1 although it is known not to work properly with the current stable /e/OS version 0.13.

Unfortunately it seems to be not available anymore in f-droid…

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I could find it in the F-droid Archive repository:


Please excuse me if I misunderstood your discussion here, but doesn’t the version with built-in Exposure Notification from f-droid work?
You can get it from this page:
I have it from there, running for a while now (note: I am using LOS at the moment, but I guess it should work on /e/, too.)

It only works as long as you don’t have the Exposure Notification extension for microG installed, that /e/ provide in their app store. If it is installed, CCTG will try to use the framework from microG and the version check fails.

Thanks for the hint. As I would have to uninstall microG, I am afraid, I would loose all ids once more. Thus, I guess, I will just wait for an /e/OS update instead.

For sure, I have disabled automatic updates from the /e/ store once and for all ;-).

Ah OK, didn’t know that

New version is supposed to be available this week for the dev channel: Week 02, 2021: Development and Testing Updates

Thanks for the ‘heads up’ I hadn’t noticed that app hadn’t updated the exposure notifications since the 22nd, i.e. since I updated the app. I deleted the CWA app and installed the f-droid version (had to enable the F-droid Archive repository to access it) which seems to be working now.
Although in hindsight It would have been better to downgrade to version 1.7.1 by downloading it from one of the various APK sites as then I wouldn’t have lost the last 2 weeks of logging. :man_facepalming:

Technically yes.

But as @DarthDavester pointed out it only works if you do not have the Exposure Notification extension for microG installed. And it’s neither trivial to find out how to uninstall the extension, nor to know that you need to uninstall the extension at all (my parents and most of my friends wouldn’t get to that point by them self). And most people in Germany simply only know about the official Corona Warn App and don’t know about the CCTG version with the built-in Exposure Notification at all.

And there’s also an even bigger second point: The alternative CCTG app is only a workaround for german users. For users in other countries, which use other Corona / Contact Tracing apps, there might be analogous problems (-> app requiring recent Exposure Notification API version). E. g. What about the italian Immuni app or about the SwissCovid app? Do they require the recent API version and if yes, what would be the workaround?

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MicroG is out.

As pointed out in the FAQs of the f-droid version the logging is not lost (since it is done within microG). Only the count of days is wrong.

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Thanks chogo,
It’s good to know that the logging wasn’t lost.

At least we can now update to the new Corona Tracing version with the version 0.14 incl. microG v0.2.16.204713: Week 04 : 2021 : Development and Testing Updates

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