Problem update 1.20 on Samsung Galaxy S7

This seems to me the main problem.

Have you considered very carefully whether you ever had the SD card installed as Adoptable storage.

This is giving problems to other users.

Please tell us exactly what you are running now as [HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc.

Please read this carefully

To troubleshoot this issue if you are uncertain, keeping only to the current /e/OS version.

  • Note and report how the phone works with no SD card. If possible take small backups of the most important things while you can.
  • Do not return the previously used SD card to the device, but use a clean SD card and install it as Portable also called External storage. Note and report how the phone works with this card.
  • Take the previously used card to your PC. Can you get a backup off it. Does the PC report anything unusual about the card, or is it reported as corrupted ?

Do not follow the fix advice in the article, right now you may be in a different position from most readers of that article.