Redmi Note 8T with /e 1.81 reboots several times per day

Hi dear people!

I am running my Redmi Note 8T since more than a year on /e 1.81, and mostly it functioned well enough.

Since about two weeks, the phone reboots several times per day, without any cue, just in the middle of anything, day- or nighttime, in use or not. No pattern.

Any ideas?

Furthermore, the updater doesn’t show me newer versions of /e - I know there are more, but how can I get them onto my phone? And why is there no automatic update anymore?

Thank you in advance for your input.

Have a nice weekend!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Perhaps you got stuck on Andriod 10 ?

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I’ve just successfully performed an OTA update from e-1.2-r to e-1.11-r on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T (willow).

By the way, all missing OTA updates from V1.3 up to and including V1.11 were displayed in the updater.

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The bug was gone after a finally successful upgrade to Android 11 via Orangefox (TWRP didn’t work). Also, the phone doesn’t need several tries to wake up by pressing the ON-button again and again, also the double-tap on the screen works again as should be.