I just bought from /e/ a Samsumg Galaxy S7 (DM-G930F) and, overall, I’m very happy of it.
I did nothing special with it except installing a few common apps.
System version is 0.7-2019062814891
However, here are three problems I have noticed :
Screen Auto Rotate doesn’t work. Fails in Bliss, the web browser, Message and Contacts apps, Simple Gallery (app I have installed)… Rotates correctly in Gallery, Camera and Maps default Apps.
Bliss crashes when trying to resize custom widgets. Easy to reproduce : Add a custom resizable widget, long tap on it => Bliss crashes
I have disabled touch vibration (Settings > Sounds > Other sounds). It works well with both Samsung S7 system keys but the Android keyboard continues to vibrate.
I don’t know how to report bugs (neither if I have to) but I wanted to share my experience.