Some questions about Shelter

Nice question :smiley: all the apps I am using in shelter (or work profile) have clones on the main profile, and both get updated simultaneously.

So I don’t have an experience with what you are asking about, although I can suggest trying to clone the Apps store itself to shelter and see if you can manage updates for the “Sheltered apps” separately.

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More likely, it was a rhetorical question, since updating sheltered apps, as well as the correct using of AFwall+ with the work profile are impossible without cloning apps in both profiles (as far as I know).

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Something I discovered about Shelter just last night. It was my assumption that if I’m using a VPN under my normal profile it’s also applicable to the Shelter profile. WRONG! You have run the VPN in each separate profile.


Really important thing! Put it in my android configuration checklist.

I wonder whether Shelter is actually doing what I hope it would do. So, I have put all apps that have too many trackers or that I fear might be “spying” on me in the Shelter. Probably the most pernicious one would be Facebook Messenger, for example. Anyhow, at first I would freeze all apps in there when not using Shelter(ed) apps, but that became too cumbersome. But I think the apps in Shelter are still keeping an “eye” on me and my activity within the Shelter at all times to extent and abilities they have. So, am I really accomplishing anything by using Shelter? I get that they are isolated from the apps in my main profile.


not sure I would approve of your proposed setting.

I tend to agree with the advice coming from harvey:

To sum it up: unless you’re ok with everything in your work/shelter profile being tracked till the cows come home…

  • either stop using apps that track you

  • or use them in a browser

Or, I would add, use a webapp “container” app, like the ones you can find for…




or services by Google

There is no necessity to always use an official client apps and containers for them. Often you can get a fine unofficial open-source client, which may be quite enough.

Like the 4 I linked to?

There may be better ones available, but the 4 I linked to seem to be without any trackers, which is a good start.

YouTube → Newpipe
Twitter → twidere
Facebook → FaceSlim

All available at f-droid



found tracking issues with NewPipe and FaceSlim, so I deleted both.

Twidere also no good : (

This tracker us an open source framework for crash reports. F-droid itself has this tracker :wink:

You can trust this tracker.

Classyshark shows only the’good’ tracker :thinking::thinking::thinking:
Is your link using a different version as mine?

Edit: yes, i’m using 3.7.6 and this version is without the trackers

That’s the bad thing on your exodus link. It uses the apk not from f-droid. In f-droid still my version without g-trackers is available.

And pls don’t confuse the users with such’ bad’ information. And pls allways inform yourself what the trackers are doing.

So… µ?ACRA is perfectly OK?

Excellent point.

So, the last tracker in my list is OK.

What about the other ones?

yepp, you can trust …

I don’t know these apps. If they are available in f-droid I would trust them. If they do have trackers, search the web for the tracker. You will find a explanation for 99% :smiley:

No, I got those two apps in Aurora. They are not in F-droid.

Just saying that making a list of the most common trackers with a brief explanation of what they are (adtech, social media, analytics etc), what they are likely to do and how dangerous they are could be useful.

That’s a good idea if you will make one :smiley: