Stuck in download mode

I’m trying to install /e/ through easy installer on my galaxy s8 and everything is fine until I get to the download mode section. I left it overnight and it just didn’t do anything so i assume something went wrong. Had no problem with the previous steps, activating developer mode, oem and all the stuff it asked for. I also checked if the cable had a decent transfer rate, and it was like 1gb in 10 seconds so i guess its ok. Using Kubuntu 21.04.

I can’t attach the picture because i’m a new user but its basically the same as the image below with a text below the “Do not turn of target” saying “Volume Down Key + Power Key for more than 7 seconds: Cancel (restart phone)”

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Hi @Empty welcome to the /e/ forum. I am afraid that the SM-J500FN is not on the List of devices supported by the easy-installer ~~nor on the The SM-J500F appears here (it is a Qualcomm MSM8916 Snapdragon 410) … right now I am not certain of the significance of the N.

If you were concerned that you cannot get the phone out of Download mode just press Volume down + Power for 10 seconds and the phone will reboot normally. The device it is still showing


Know your hardware - Samsung
Getting Started on /e/OS

Edit if you boot into Recovery mode you could learn the devicecode (it is in a format similar to “j5lte”)

easy installer have flashed a new recovery manager,
at this step, you now have to reboot the device in recovery mode

Irrelevant to solution

Forgive me, @piero, but in that case how do you explain the top line of the Download screen image? Opened fine for me, which informed my response.

Because i have read first :

Hello guys, let me just clarify some aspect of my problem that weren’t clear before.
My phone model is SM-G950F. After 8 hours of waiting in download mode i just turned off the phone and turned it back on just like always, it booted to android, no problem.
I have a couple doubts, in download mode does it shows like a “COMPLETED” message or something?
Do i need to install any specific driver for ubuntu? because the only thing i installed was the easy installer.

That’s the real image. I censored some IDs because i don’t know if they are sensitive information.

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It looks as if you are ready, as @piero says, to do Your first boot into TWRP

by have running the easy-installer, some steps have been done :

your device bootloader is unlocked
recovery-e.img or twrp.img have been dowloaded to your folder have been dowloaded to your folder
adb is installed on your PC
heimdall is installed on your PC

BUT, now that you have perform a normal system mode reboot of the device to usual Samsung/Gogol android software, you have to reflash the custom recovery manager then immediatly reboot into it !

Go into your folder, and from there, open a terminal
copy/paste and edit the commands if needed

Ok, ill do it all again, but do i need to wait in download mode for a “COMPLETED” message or just turn it off right away?

“unplug the device” i find this quite weird since the easy installer is guiding me through the installation process and i guess it needs to be connected to the phone…

unplug is only mandatory for some old phones or tablets that don’t have home button.

flashing the custom recovery manager only take 4 seconds
success message is on the terminal screen
as the command ends with --no reboot
heimdall say something like “ok, releasing the interface”, but you have to manualy reboot to recovery

alternative is to ommit --no reboot argument and prepare your fingers fastly !