The Murena 2 releases have started

with Latest version same result. Murena 2 has an encoding issue. Maybe if more people report it, it will be dealt with earlier:

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The issue occurs with the latest version of scrcpy 2.3.1 as well. The problem is from the phone not scrcpy.

As a workaround for now, we will be sharing 3D files which will allow users to print their own protective case for the Murena 2 if they so desire. The current timeline we have for the vendor supplying the cases is in March.

Mars ! Faut-il que j’aime bien Murena pour supporter cela !
Bon , maintenant, comment je l’annonce à ma femme ? :smiley:

For information on the Murena 2 printable 3D protective casing please check this post

Tu l’annoce que t’as une surprise :slight_smile:

Good for those who can do it, but too expensive for some of us around £22. The costs for different things and time consumed builds up. Have to wait until March :pensive:.

2024-02-19: For the use of scrcpy for Murena 2

Solution can be read in gitlab:

For scrcpy to work with Murena 2, use the following command:
scrcpy --video-codec=h264 --video-encoder=‘’

Le bouquet de fleurs doit être assez gros pour cacher l’imprimante 3D.

The various options in settings have a icon on the right side that shows whether the option is on or off. There is a problem that all of the line including the title and the on/off button are sensitive to touch to turn on or off. When navigating upwards or downward through the option, inevitably you touch those titles and a touch during navigation can inadvertently turn on or off an option and if you are concentrating on finding an option you may not realise that another option on the way has been turned on or off.
The sensitivity for change of option should only be on the button (icons) not the title or name of option.

Can anyone say something about the microphone quality of the Murena 2? I’m thinking about getting one as a work phone but since I’ll be making phone calls and Teams calls with it the microhone should work properly.

In the few reviews I saw there was quite a lot of criticism about call quality, especially the microphone. Those were all pre production models afaik, so maybe it is better now?

Bad call quality would unfortunately be a deal breaker for me.


i noticed when the reception is really bad ( when the H appear beside the network icon) people don’t hear me much, i have to move and get better reception to have a proper conversation.

I don’t know if it is fixable with an update or if it’s a carrier specific problem, time will tell i guess

Other than that i didn’t had any other problem with call quality.

Any news of when Murena will be shipping the manufacturer’s case for Murena 2 ?

Unfortunately as yet we do not have a date from our vendor. The 3D printing option is best solution we have at the moment.

I don’t have a 3D printer and outside services are expensive, specially given the comments on the case show the templates are experimental and those who have printed it have had problems. Back and forth with a postal service for reprints will be too expensive.
Supplier issue is hard to accept, as a manufacturer Murena should have solved this by now.

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im in the same boat, already cracked the backplate because i don’t have a protection case, ill buy it when it’s out, hoping that i don’t destroy my phone in the meantime

1.20 update was slow but worked without issue

i noticed that sometimes the flashlight won’t turn on via the shortcut drawer, a reboot fix this problem.

App Lounge google login page is either white or display an error message saying that the webpage is not available “net:::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED”

I agree with LittleTurtle selling a phone without a protective case AT THE SAME TIME it’s a fault and making Murena not the best option if you want to went out Google Shit. We make an effort to support a new way of phoning and no the The 3D printing option is surely the worst commercial solution I ever met or heard.

My murena 2 has failed tonight without the protection we are still waiting. The back side is broken (see picture). What could murena do for me?

You can send a mail to the and explain the issue. The team will be able to help on this.

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