Hi, I have got my hands on this device. After clicking on the Lineage OS Wiki link above and going through the instructions, I eventually get to this page. At number three, I am told to
The link leads to a page saying This device does not exist. In the menu on the left the device is not listed. I guess this is because Lineage OS no longer support the device.
Can anyone provide me with a link to the vbmeta.img file?
Or send me a copy somehow?
Thanks @piero. Sorry if it is a silly question, but does it matter that the ROM in the forum is Android 13 and the one I want to install is U, android 14?
Thanks @ronnz98. I guess I just need the vbmeta file from that list.
I will try the newest one, from August this year, or should I try the one from @piero’s list?
Hi again,
I have been struggling somewhat.
The instructions posted above need a specific version of Odin that is linked. I am on Linux, so tried with Heimdall. I could not make this work. I have spent the last week or so trying to get Galaxy Flasher along with its dependencies installed. Galaxy flasher is using Odin 4. I seem to have got that done but now I am stuck again.
On page 3/8 from the instructions from @ronnz98 everything works until steps 13 and 14:
13 Click “Start”. A transfer bar will appear on the device showing the VBMeta image being flashed.
No transfer bar appears on the device. On the computer it either says “building binaries” or “initialising connection” before saying flash successful.
Nothing has changed on my device screen.
14 Your device will reboot, you may now unplug the USB cable from your device.
No reboot takes place.
I thought about going further anyway, but the next page (5/8) talks about building a Lineage OS recovery. I am not sure that this is what I should be doing.
I have also skipped steps regarding installing the latest Samsung drivers as this is for windows. I have not attempted installing for Linux, assuming that they are already there.
For my old phone (lost ) I could just use adb to install eOS. Is this possible for the r8q?
Can anyone point me to install instructions for Linux? I am on an Arch based distro.
I think I was also only able to flash VBmeta with Odin on Windows. So best you try it with Windows on a virtual machine using Windows Odin version Odin_3.13.1 as outlined
Hi guys, thanks for the help. As I said, I have already tried the Galaxy-Flasher tool, without any luck.
Rather than try with a virtual machine on my rather old computer with limited space, I will borrow a Windows PC from a friend. Before I proceed, could you give me some more advice?
Step 5 of 8 from the instructions above talks about building a Lineage OS installation package. Am I right in assuming that I do not need to do this? I guess what @ronnz98 has provided is an already built eOS installation package???
Can I then just skip down to number 11. on this page?
Check the box labeled next to the button labeled “AP”, and then click the “AP” button.
In the menu that pops up, select the newly downloaded (or built) custom recovery .tar or .tar.md5.
Thanks for trying to help @Xxpsilon, but I have referred to this document the whole time. It requires you to build the OS yourself because Lineage does not officially support the devices anymore. As @ronnz98 had already built the device, this was not necessary.
My questions were about what I needed to do instead and what I should leave out etc. I am sure that many people could have successfully installed from those instructions, but I was not one of them.
Anyway it is installed now and I have new questions…
Phone and SMS seem to be working fine.
I have settings for 4G and 5G mobile networks. How can I tell if they are working or not? The signal indicator in the status bar does not show anything.
Internet and browser are working. I have synced my murena contacts and calendar without problems.
These things are not working:
Screen locking of any type, pin, pattern, fingerprint, password
and because of this, the setup screen crashes if you do not skip screen lock.
Apps from other sources
I can toggle this on, but it toggles itself off again
AppLounge can only install open source apps
and these only sometimes
Nightlight: screen goes black on turning on. Only force reset helps
Notes: can not get past first screen
Settings button from top drop down menu: does nothing
App Switching
Swipe up gesture to change apps not working
Nor buttons (2/3) if they are activated instead
Other switchers can not be given permissions to work.
Toggle on not working similar to installation sources
Draw over other App toggle also not working in the same way.
Is this information useful to anyone?
Can anyone offer any solutions to the things that are not working?
I do not mind using the phone for a while to test the ROM out, but only if it will help in some way.
If not, I will try @ronnz98 earlier unofficial builds. Can anyone tell me if they are likely to be more successful?
Or any other recommendations would be welcome.
I will do a new build soon. As far as I know the developer is working on LOS22 now…so chances are hight that the S20 FE Snapdragon will be again officially supported in the future