Here in this /e/ forum I’ve already written numerous comments on the Redmi Note 8 + Note 8T (please use the search function at the top right), therefore only in short form: The Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 and Redmi Note 8T differ only in that the Note 8T is additionally equipped with NFC. There is different stock firmware for both devices but only one custom ROM. Compare specs
Version of Stock which existed previously: V12.5.6.0.RCXMIXM 20220623.0000.00 11.0 global
Version of Recovery which existed previously: Stock Android Recovery
My device is Not rooted
Successful installation of … by @ronnz98
PBRP-ginkgo-4.0-20231217-1134-OFFICIAL recovery
4G LTE Wi-Fi / WLAN Bluetooth 4.2 NFC Infrared port FM radio with RDS
Memo: I could not successfully install /e/ recovery.img contained in the CustomROM .zip file because it generated this failure: The system has been destroyed
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T
TWRP recovery
Clean install.
not rooted.
First install works perfect, 1 App which had problems on CrDroid, works without problems now
Very happy with this rom.
Going to test some more, will post update after some day’s.
I was surprised to find this topic. Very nice! I have 2 note 8 devices. They are in need of new software. I found another option on the web that I tried already
I don’t know who they are but the rom is quite excellent and contains the xiaomi camera as a bonus for significantly better photo’s. Any chance that we can see a rom with that camera app here?
I can also confirm… The ginkgo is nice with the e.OS U Build from Ronnz… I flashed the Rom with Twrp v3.7.0_12-1 to solve the problems with dynamic partitions and earlier recovery versions…
Ronzz build had been running tremendously well on one of my devices.
Now all devices (3 in total) are receiving updates to E/os 2.8. Any plans on providing that update?