[UNOFFICIAL BUILDS] Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet (karin / karin-windy) for /e/OS-R

Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet (karin / karin-windy) for /e/OS-R 1.17

Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet LTE (karin)

Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet WiFi

Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

I canā€™t achieve to do this installation.
Do you use TWRP recovery or e-1.17ā€¦recovery ?
Because the link for install use TWPR.

How to install:

  1. use TWRP 3.5.0.
  2. do factory reset (wipe)
  3. Flash the firmware, nik,bit or flamegapps , magisk 21 and thatā€™s it.
    Change log:
    20201206- initial build.

When using TWPR 3.7.9_9_karin ā€¦ then install e-1.17 ROM karin (no windy) with SDCARD (local storage) , the xperia goes in reboot loop with SONY xPERIA logo.

Hi @ledufinfra, welcome to this forum.

This is unusefull :

  • Firmware was already installed along Stock Sony Android OS
  • i donā€™t know what are ā€œnikā€ and ā€œbitā€ for, but ā€œflamegappsā€ is unwanted in our degoogled android system, and could be the cause of you issue !
  • Magisk is not expected during a first ā€œclean installā€, better wait that the system boot normally before get root permissionā€¦
  1. Please try a FORMAT /data at this point (not a single wipe)

if it donā€™t works

  1. Install the recovery-e using TWRP,
    then install /e/ using the recovery-e ā†’ ā€œapply updateā€

1 . does not work :wink:
2 . (flash recovery-e ok), then boot recovery (e/os/) but got :
E: inotify_add_watch failed : No such file or directory
E:[libfs_mgr] Skipping mounting ā€˜/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cacheā€™
E:[libfs_mgr] Failed to ppen ā€˜/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cacheā€™ : no such file or directory
then many failed to read file in /cache directory !

In ecovery-e app i got :

  • ā€“ Install /storage/BDCCF56/e-1.17ā€¦
  • supported API 3
  • Install completed with status 1
  • Installation aborted

I have another one tablet : so, can someone explain the installation step by step ?

Have you tried to reboot system from there despite the message ?

Have you tried another factory reset at this point ?


hello piero :wink:
What iā€™m doing :

  • boot Z4 tablet in fastboot (blue LED)
  • fastboot devices : ok, got => CB5A2CEZVH fastboot
  • then : fastboot flash:raw boot boot.img (cause i got LTE release, but i donā€™t know the aim of this command ā€¦)
  • then : fastboot flash recovery TWRP-3.5.0_9-0-karin_20210122.img
  • then but in recovery (TWRP)
  • then wipe data

Any help ?
when fastboot then flash boot recovery img, i got a lot of message like ā€œFailed to open /dev/block/bootdeviceā€ in the recovery app (after booting in recovery)
is someone have any ideas ?

The only install that is working (from linux) :
On your Linux desktop
fastboot devices => give you device id
fastboot flash boot TWRP-3.5.0_9-0-karin-20210122.img
fastboot reboot recovery

On your z4 tab with TWRP:
Launch Advanced/ADB Sideload

On your Linux :
adb -d sideload lineage-19.1-20240409-UNOFFICIAL-karin.zip
adb -d sideload NikGapps-basic-arm64-12.1-20240813-signed.zip
WIPE/ Factory/reset

Then rebootā€¦ but nothing work for e / OS :smirk:

Any better with recent builds (and last for R):



There are even LOS19 and LOS20 sources.


Using TWRP 3.3.x-x and format /data instead of simply wipe /data can be a solution for installing /e/ā€¦

installing /e/ over lineage also can be a solution for installing /e/ā€¦

thank you all of you, i will give it a try.

Ok , good Working with :

  • TWRP-3.7.0_9-0-karin-20230430.img
  • e-2.3-r-20240912-UNOFFICIAL-karin.zip (on microsd, but probably that adb sideload work too with usb attachement to PC desktop)

Hello,just deploying this very good rom but i got no bluetooth .
Can you help meto make the device available ?
Is there a way to install fix, driver or anything else ?

Can i help for rebuild a rom with bluetooth ?

If you provide a fix I can rebuild

Hello ronnz98,
On lineagos 18.1 or 19.1 alex seems to fix the bluetooth.on 20 he dont.
I will give you feedback asap.
Do you have a tutorial for building rom?
(My dev skills are medium)

I can try to build new for 18.1 as sources seems to be updated and try to build for 19.1 but cannot guarantee this will work

I made a how-to for building last year:

it will be great, if you can rebuild, this is my job to test.
i will read this how to.

thank you.

@petefoth : Could you sucessfully build for LOS19?
I got one error I could not fix:
error: device/sony/kitakami-common/camera/libcameraservice/Android.bp:38:1: ā€œlibcameraservice_kitakamiā€ depends on undefined module ā€œqti_camera_device_defaultsā€

And a lot of sepolicy errors, I think I have the wrong sources for:

For me the build e-2.3-r-20240912-UNOFFICIAL-karin.zip work fine . Only bluetooth issue.

Any better with new build?



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