Having installed the unofficial test version e-0.10-p-2020081067156-test-a3xelte on my wife’s phone nearly 9 months ago - which was working with few problems - I decided to upgrade her device (SM-A310F) to the latest Q-build of /e/. Following the official upgrade instructions I noticed that it appeared a simple operation which consisted of dirty flash using the already-installed TWRP recovery I had put on it.
As the phone was not encrypted the instructions said to simply sideload the e-0.15 zip file directly to the device. As I had prepared a backup on a USB stick with the file on it, I decided to flash it via OTG using my TWRP recovery. The installation flash ended with the usual “successful” message and so I rebooted into the system which took some time as I had cleaned the dalvik cache just in case, but when Android started an unexpected warning popped up to say that there was an “Internal System error” and that I should inform the manufacturers about the problem.
In fact, on closing the pop-up Bliss started normally and I had all the usual apps as well as those that were previously user-installed. I tried restarting but the same pop-up reappeared and now I ignore it as after trying most of the apps, checking that the phone worked it all seems to function normally. The only peculiar aspect of Bliss was that the Phone icon had been moved to the end window and I had to put it back in the bottom tray.
My only question is what will happen after an OTA update? Will the same error message keep recurring? I am tempted to try doing a “clean” re-flash, which means wiping all user data and reinstalling everything, but as the need for family communication is pressing I shall wait for a calmer moment when I’ll have time try this procedure. I don’t know if my experience is exceptional in that the upgrade was from a test build of the Pie version, but it might be useful to modify the upgrade instructions if this happens to others.
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