Week 40, 2024: Development and Testing Updates

Confirming that FP4 works now. I had to click “continue” a couple of times but it finally worked out.

Downloads may be slow. Teams are reporting heavy usage across servers. Team are still at work.



Slowly? No, there is currently no download possible!

Services have been brought down to resolve the issue with the servers. We expect services to be restored in about 30 minutes.
The restoration of services is taking more time than expected. Overall we are looking at a 1 hour downtime.

Services are being restored one by one.



I tried to upgrade my phone, but it has some difficulties since download of the upgrade file is constantly interrupted. So i tried to download from my PC with wget.

What i saw is that it downloads a tiny amount of Mbytes then then connection closes without reason. Then wget retry, and so on.

Here’s an extract of the console output: PrivateBin

Maybe you should fix something in the website.

Just to say that I’ve had the same issue trying to update to stable FP4.

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I am having a similar issue downloading the bramble recovery image.

May be a problem with images.ecloud.global?

The Week 40 Development and Testing Updates thread has more info on these problems and the latest on fixing them.


Currently, the workaround is downloading it with aria2 or any downloader that can resume an interrupted download.

It worked eventually.


Still problematic.
The download of the installation file can be started, but loads very slowly (54.04 KB/s - 600KB/s) and then aborts at some point.

My Internet connection works perfectly.

Downloading via the auto updater is interrupted repeatedly. Are the murena services running again after the latest outage and restarts?

Exactly the same : after 3 days trying to update my FP4, still impossible to download the upgrade package

Have passed on the information of slow downloads to the infra team.

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I confirm : new tries this morning after 3 days : download for FP4 is still impossible. But the link https://ota.ecloud.global/official/FP4/ does not also work (0kb/s for the 2.4t zip) on a PC with fiber Internet access.
Thanks Manoj

Can you close and merge this thread into week 40 update?

504 Gateway Time-out

The server didn’t respond in time.


Same here. Neither on mobile nor on Desktop browser I get a stable download from https://images.ecloud.global/.
It’s a bummer since the newest update fixes something that annoys me very much.

I was just now able to download the FP5 2.4T update !

on GS290, update by recovery with hidden e-2.4-s package : still verification impossible !