Where can I learn the basics of my Teracube 2e?ter

Hi everyone!
I just started using my Teracube 2e today. I’m wondering where to find the basic info I need to add my email accounts, use the app lounge and customize my phone? I have looked around this forum and I’m not really having any luck with my searches. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks!!


Hi @shelq56 welcome to the /e/ forum …

which in my view is not the easiest place to navigate :slight_smile:

There is this thread

/e/ Support topics are found: Support topics

From support topics for email I found Using the new murena.io e-mail address.

This is more comprehensive Email Configuration - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data

For posts from others using Teracube check out the hashtags on the top of your thread

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Mail is a fork of K-9 Mail app, so you can follow the documentation of that project to add email accounts.

App Lounge can be used Anonymous, or by signing into your existing Google account, giving access to paid apps.

You can browse App Lounge by category or search, much like the Google Play Store.

Customization is standard Android, so mostly via Settings and sub-settings.

The default launcher (home screen and apps list), Bliss, is intentionally very focused and not very customizable to remain simple and accessible.

You can install other launchers that may suit better.

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