/e/ Contacts not being sync with /e/ Rainloop Email?


I’ve just imported a contact list with 208 contacts. All went well.
But when I look in the email, the contacts list / address book is empty; the same in the top right icon:

What can I have done wrong?

Beside that, I can’t delete Contact list; it’s not working (can be disabled but not deleted)
Thank you

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Ask /e/ cloud admins to enable CardDAV remote synchronization in RainLoop admin.
Better use a GitLab issue for this purpose :wink:

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Shouldn’t it come enabled by default?

Is that a problem with my account or all accounts?

It’s up to the admins to allow this setting, globally, in RainLoop admin.
Once enabled, each user would have to set it up, in RainLoop settings.

Once again, you better open a GitLab case to ask admins about this :wink:

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There was a bug with the display of contact address in Rainloop after which it was disabled. Checking if the issue has been resolved and this feature will be enabled.


As always, thanks @Manoj ! :smiley:

I can confirm it’s working fine on my self-hosted. Please let me know if further testing is needed !


Thank you so much to you both.
My new /e/ FP3 Is expected to arrive very soon :grinning:

I checked with the dev team. They shared a thread where they checked with rain loop nextcloud support on the integration

As you can see in the response from the team the nextcloud contact integration into rainloop is not complete. The user needs to set it up manually - though the thread does not explain how it can be done.

The team will check if nextcloud mail handles this integration of contact list and mails better. If the POC works then it could be implemented across ecloud for all users. Again no ETA’s for now.


Thanks @Manoj (we should have an emoji for that ;)).

I confirm each user has to setup manually, but at least they would be offered the choice …

On my self-hosted, URL is exactly the one offered by “Copy link” in Contacts settings, so it isn’t that hard :wink:
For example : https://fqdn/remote.php/dav/addressbooks/users/user@domain/contacts/

One just have to enter this URL with user+password, job done :slight_smile:
Maybe in some case choice the CarlDAV-sync address book in RainLoop contacts (the icon just right to the gree “New message”.

It really worth the few clicks and time needed !

Added https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/1452


Thank you so much for adding to GitLab.

But what happened to the project to replace Rainloop with the official Nextcloud plugin?

By the way, I also remember that the interface was better!
I don’t like Rainloop at all, and it’s really unusable !!!


You may don’t like it, but RainLoop is usuable, many people (including myself) use it every day …
Better describe your problem and/or file Gitlab cases, to improve it :wink:

As Gaël’s post is quite old, plugin change is likely to never happen.

Yes Sylvain, now I know that this change will not happen.

Well, at least for now it is unusable via web for this problem of unsynchronized contacts, which will surely be solved;
and then, despite the actual improvements made on speed, the web interface is still a bit spartan and ugly.

However I remember that at least for a few hours or maybe even a day, the mail had been changed with the native nextcloud plugin, and to my taste it was aesthetically more pleasant.

It is true that the synchronization speed with the /e/ mail client is unbeatable!!!

It’s not working yet.
Wasn’t Nextcloud18 going to solve the issue?

Checking on what the issue is here. Will update.

The contacts from ecloud should show up in Rainloop now. The process to be followed to get your contacts to show up is as under :slight_smile:

  1. Log into ecloud

  2. Go to the contact tab


  1. In the Contacts screen go to Settings >> 3 dots >> Copy link

  2. Next go to Mail tab


5 In rainloop settings ,

  • Activate sync checkbox ‘Enable remote syncronization’

  • Paste the url you copied above in the Addressbook URL textbox

  • Authenticate with /e/ credentials - user and password for /e/ ID to be used

  1. It takes some time for the contacts to show up. For me with some 60 contacts it took about 5 minutes.

  2. Contacts from NC address books should also merge with rainloop ones

While you are in the Rainloop setting screen (screenshot in #5 above) check out the options to set filters …direct your mail to specific folders or set some colorful themes.


Hi @Manoj !

Thanks :clap: for getting this work, it’s a must-have ! :slight_smile:

If I may complement, manual resync can be achieved within RainLoop contact manager :

What does ‘Synchronization (cardDAV)’ do for you? For me it does not seem to do anything but maybe because I have already set it up using Manoj’s method?