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Do not share test build information
This thread has been created specifically for posting information on official /e/OS builds.
To understand the difference between build types refer this guide
Please do not post information or links to /e/OS test builds on the forum.
The test builds are as yet untested and under development, and may in some cases cause user devices to soft brick.
Such information can confuse other users who do not see these builds in the updater.
Remember not all users who come to this forum are experts in installing and formatting custom ROMs and can end up seriously damaging their devices by trying out these test builds
If you are genuinely interested in helping with the testing activities and also understand how to fix and do some minor level of testing on custom ROMS, you are welcome to join the testing team
As part of the testing team you can share your comments on the dedicated testing telegram channel.
Fairphone | FP3+ | FP3 | previously on e-2.6.3-u-20241218455570-community-FP3 | not rooted
Install went fine (quite quickly actually, <20 minutes altogether). No real testing beyond booting though. Other Fairphoners, feel free to check what’s online for you:
Anyone tried a install from scratch on gts4lvwifi ? My last attempt with 2.6.3 failed because of a stuck in the setup wizzard (loop). Won’t waiste hours again …
Thanks to @piero i managed to do a dirty upgrade for my Fairphone 3 from 2.6.4 (t) community to 2.7.0 (u) community. I used this guide with an adapted link to 2.7 community.
(what I observed: my go-to-app for cleanup after updates cache cleaner behaves awkward with A14 (jumps back and forth and seems to work only partially …accessibility service is granted though) and is archived by the dev)