LeEco S2 becomes "unofficial /e/ build"

hello !

I’m a little surprised. I have just noticed that the build for LeEco2 is now “unofficial”. I’m still getting updates, but does that mean the support may stop? This is surprising because the LeEco 2 was one of the first phones supported.

Major Tom

PS : Great job !


Hi @TheMajorTom. The ‘UNOFFICIAL’ tag means the following:

  • The phone is no longer Officially supported by Lineage
  • The impact of Lineage stopping support means that for /e/ users there will be a short period of time when the device will not be getting up to date security patches
  • This also means that at present we do not have a separate device maintainer for the particular device…Device maintainers are users who volunteer to build the ROM for the device.
  • In absence of a dedicated device maintainer /e/ builds team builds the ROM for the device
  • We are working on upgrading our infrastructure so that all devices can be provided up to date security patches including those not supported by lineage
  • Lastly we do not have plans to drop any device from our list of supported devices. All devices on our list will continue to be supported
  • In addition we would also be adding more devices to the list based on user suggestions here

Good to see
I was considering not getting LeEco S2 when I saw the title
Good post. Thanks

Thanks @Manoj !
It’s perfectly clear !!

An update on this - a couple of days back we have made a slight change to the naming of builds.
In place of ‘UNOFFICIAL’ now you would see ‘Community’ mentioned.

To summarize the Community builds are

  • Phones may or may not be supported by Lineage …for e.g Essential ‘mata’ has an /e/ build but not Lineage support
  • The impact of Lineage stopping support means that for /e/ users there will be a short period of time when the device will not be getting up to date security patches
  • This also means that at present we do not have a separate device maintainer for this particular device…Device maintainers are users who volunteer to build the ROM for the device.
  • In absence of a dedicated device maintainer /e/ builds team builds the ROM for the device
  • We are working on upgrading our infrastructure so that all devices can be provided up to date security patches including those not supported by lineage
  • Lastly we do not have plans to drop any device from our list of supported devices. All devices on our list will continue to be supported
  • Build quality is better compared to ‘UNOFFICIAL’ - i.e. they are more stable
  • ‘Community’ build will have OTA support

‘UNOFFICIAL’ : builds on the other hand will be

  • built using /e/ source code
  • No OTA support
  • Can be downloaded from the /e/ website

Get details on the build from the wiki here
In addition we would also be adding more devices to the list based on user suggestions here