Hello Iain,
I assumed that e/OS/ versions were somehow “linked” to Android versions. After reading your message, I see that this might not be the case.
When I purchased my Samsung S7 from /e/ foundation, in October 2020, it came with e/OS/ 0.9-2020062860623 and Android version was 7.1.2. I was manually performing upgrades, every few months, through the standard procedure with a Wi-fi connection: Settings > Upgrades > Look for new upgrades > Download > Install. If my e/OS/ version was, say, 0.15, and 0.16 - 0.17 were available, I first downloaded and installed 0.16, and once finished, I repeated the process with 0.17. After installing these new versions of e/OS/, old versions were still visible in the list of upgrades, sorted by date.
I wouldn’t be able to tell which was the last 0.xx e/OS/ version my phone had when I upgraded to v1.0 last July, nor the Android version that was running “below” e/OS/. I only know that I didn’t notice any major changes in appearance, but I have no way to know if Android was still version 7, 8, 9, etc. I just upgraded e/OS/ the normal way, and didn’t write down the Android version after any of those upgrades.
What I know for sure is that after the upgrade to 1.0 (and immediately to 1.1) done in July:
- The appearance of the phone screen changed. The background picture was different, some third party applications claimed that they had been developed for a former Android version, and for example Aurora app store asked if I wanted to access through a Google account (which I obviously answered no)
- The list of old upgrades had been automatically deleted. I have already changed that setting, so if I upgraded now to 1.2, I guess that I could see the 1.1 version on the list
- Sadly enough for me, some applications stopped working the way I was used to, and I lost really nice features, that saved me lots of time and trouble. I tried to make these apps work the old way, searching the /e/ forums and the internet, but I have been completely unsuccessful to that extent. I mainly refer here to system-default applications (phone, contacts, bluetooth linking,…), not third party applications.
Currently my phone has e/OS/ 1.1-20220627199797-stable-herolte and Android 10. I see now that upgrades to e/OS/ 1.2 and 1.3 are available, but I haven’t performed those upgrades so far.
As I said before, I am not a technical user, but common sense dictates me that there shouldn’t be such a big issue in making available a downgrade to, say, the last 0.xx e/OS/ version that “ran over” Android 7. I don’t really need the last OS versions, but I really miss the lost functionalities in my apps.
If this request requires some kind of premium support, I would be more than willing to pay a reasonable amount for it, I have anyway contributed to the /e/ project in the past.
Sorry for the long explanation, and as always, I would be most grateful for any help provided.
Best regards