Waited too long OTA updates no longer available. 1.14 FP4


Android Version 12
/e/ OS version: 1.14-s-20230816320616-stable-FP4
Bootloader unlocked

My updater has had issues for some time now and I may have waited it out for a bit too long.
I am currently stuck on (please don’t be too horrified) 1.14 on my FP4
My initial problem was the same as, and solved by Issues with the Updater and a solution. Namely the Updater app crashed every time it was opened. After clearing the storage cache, it was fixed. But now it does not find any update despite being far out of date.

I further tried to troubleshoot using this: 2 identical FP4's one is stuck at e os 1.21.1 - #11 by googlehater. I wanted to try an update from recovery using ADB, but I cannot find the OTA update for 1.15*. More specifically, I believe that those files are no longer stored on the servers. I looked for the OTA files in REST-thingy (am limited to two links :slight_smile:) but when I click on the corresponding update’s file’s link, I get a “Not found” error.

From what I understand, there are two paths in front of me and I hope that you will find a third option:

  • I can try to build the patches from source and hopefully not sweat too much
  • I can give up and clean install the latest version after backuping all critical data

So my main question is this: Is there an easy way out of my situation? Did I miss something?

Thank you kindly for your help
Have a great new year!

*: Since those are incremental updates, I need to apply one patch after the other right?

Edit: Android Version

If you download the new update onto your phone you can click apply local update and done. I don’t think you need to flash in-between updates. Just most recent.

Thanks for the answer!
I do not have the Local update option in my updater, but that’s Ok, I could do it in the recovery mode.

You say that you think that the most recent update will suffice, just in case it does not suffice, do you know if it will fail cleanly or whether it could leave the phone in a corrupted state?

Well I am just a casual user but I would always backup as much as my files as possible and then it anything went wrong it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Hi @LegoBrickOnFire, welcome to this forum.

Do you currently run P, Q, R or S android underlayer ?
Do you currently run stable or dev build ?
Does your bootloader locked or unlocked ?

In the worst cases (Q or locked bootloader), you will need to format the /data partition…
and so, loose you installed apps and personnal things to recover a working phone

I have added the hashtag fp4 to your OP. There have been a surprising number of similar enquiries maybe coinciding with the start of the /e/ server outage where many older builds become unavailable.

A fresh install, Install /e/OS on a Fairphone FP4 - “FP4”, may well well be the cleanest and safest approach.

If you are thinking of a dirty upgrade you need to consider how many Android versions you are going to have to jump.

You have to take into account the Different Build Types, and which you have.

I suggest you use this [HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc to understand your current build.

One further thing; open your bootloader and check whether you Bootloader is locked. Be aware that unlocking the bootloader will Format data.

There are a few more success stories within the group of fp4 threads since early October.

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Thank you for the swift replies <3
I have updated the OP with the information requested.
I am running android 12, 1.14-s-20230816320616-stable-FP4, and my bootloader is unlocked


Thank you for your reply!
There have indeed been a surprising amount of people with the same issue!

I did the OTA update using e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-FP4.zip from recovery mode over ADB.
The update process was uneventful. Rebooting took longer than usual but I am now up to date!

Thank you!!!
Happy new year (in a few days)


I have the same problem with a Samsung S9. Critical updates (Android version change) were missed and now the updater doesn’t show any updates anymore.

It seems that you have to do the update manually using the Recovery mode. In the case of the S9 the only option shown in the Recovery is ‘Apply update via adb’, so it can’t be done just using the phone by itself.

Suggestion: could we have

  1. an archive of older updates (where can they be downloaded from if you missed the updates?)

  2. an option in the Recovery to update from a local file downloaded to the phone itself

Many thanks to the developers

We posted at the same time so you may not have seen my response.
In my case the OTA update using the latest update worked. I got confused by the mention of “incremental updates”, but I did not need to update one version at a time.
check out ota.ecloud.global/api/v1/FP4/stable/ and make sure to adapt the URL to reflect the device you are using (here the url contains FP4 for Fairphone4)

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I’m pleased you fixed things on your phone.

I think as long as your device has the correct version of android (as per flashing instructions) you can always update to the newest version. The fact that previous versions aren’t available in downloads supports this. Hardly any phones on eOS have locked bootloaders so if you already run the OS then it should work on any device.

And all the old updates were lost when the cloud went down. You should be okay flashing the newest via adb and laptop.

Flashing ROMs via internal storage is no longer available with lineageOS-based recovery systems (including here on eOS). I guess android has changed more recently so unless you can get TWRP or OrangeFox or something then a computer is the only way.

Although have you tried the new:

It seems to support Samsung phones too.

Can you tell the installer to perform an update rather than install? (Keeping all data/apps as before)

Anyway, the aim is to do a manual update just using the phone by itself. Adb is easy enough if you are using a laptop.

My phone isn’t yet supported so I can’t provide this information. However, if it works similarly to flash.android.com then I believe there is an option to preserve data. I suppose you could start the process and see. If is uses shell, like CalyxOS then perhaps not. There is a lot of info at: /e/OS Installer

Why not sideload with eRecovery, as long as you don’t wipe no data should be lost


why are we still hacking to a solution for this problem given it is so widespread and common.

I would have expected the devs to fix the underlying issue by now and make it so that normal people without the time or experience to do all this highly dangerous and technical stuff can get on with their lives.

Look I might be missing something here and that might be why this is just not happening. But if that is the case then I would love an explanation regarding that because now I am left to wonder why the devs simply ignore this issue.

I’d like to add that in my case things went south even though I did things by the book. Lost my wife’s trust in the process as I messed up her phone that started reinstalling automatically.

I really think that finding out what the root cause is and fixing that is the only responsible way forward.
I can help with that. I still have a tablet that is also stuck there somewhere around version 1.something.

Also I’d liek to add that one can never wait too long with updating. Updating shyould always be supported as there may be a million different reasons why one does not update within an arbitrary timeframe. Most of them totally legit.

Since /e/OS v2.2, the updater allows you to :

An option is now available to “See all available updates” instead of only the next one

that is great news for those already out of the update issue. Great news non the less so thank you for telling us.

What I was hoping for is a way to wake up the old updater and make it look elsewhere than it currently is for an update as currently it is not finding anything making many of us stuck in limbo.

Is not there a config file somewhere one could make an edit to? that is still hacking I realize but so much more easy and most importantly much less dangerous.

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Maybe an update is now possible because a 2.6-t build has been released. Don’t be to hasty if you have eSim, there is a problem with 2.6-u version. I would say the 2.6-t should be fine but I don’t know.